Location: Palazzo Farnesse di la Pilotta, Parma.
Country: IT
16 Sep 2011 02:19:27PM @quecay:
Un gran honor, Majestad
18 Sep 2011 10:40:01AM @sir-thomas-cave:
Your Dowager Majesty, It was a pleasure to meet such a strong willed and strong woman. Surely Spain is Proud of theirDowagerQueen.
24 Sep 2011 06:16:17AM @mau-delarosa:
Su Majestad me honra, quedo a su servicio.
Your Majesty has given this unworthy apprentice incredible joy by the favor bestowed, and Your Majesty's servant wishes to assure Your Majesty that, whenever visiting Melioria, Your Majesty's servant will do all to assure comfortable passage in the finest gondola of the principality's fleet. Praying that the Madonna Santissima will ever guard and protect Your Majesty and the crowns of Napoli and Espaa, Your Majesty's servant protests his loyal fidelity.
Un gran honor, Majestad
Your Dowager Majesty, It was a pleasure to meet such a strong willed and strong woman. Surely Spain is Proud of theirDowagerQueen.
Su Majestad me honra, quedo a su servicio.
Your Majesty has given this unworthy apprentice incredible joy by the favor bestowed, and Your Majesty's servant wishes to assure Your Majesty that, whenever visiting Melioria, Your Majesty's servant will do all to assure comfortable passage in the finest gondola of the principality's fleet. Praying that the Madonna Santissima will ever guard and protect Your Majesty and the crowns of Napoli and Espaa, Your Majesty's servant protests his loyal fidelity.
PERA Fiorino
Garzone nella casa del Principe di Melioria.
Thank you for your friendship, Your Majesty...*curtsies respectfully and smiles*