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Brazil honors baroque sculptor Aleijadinho in the bicentenary of his death

12 years ago
280 posts


It has begun, in Minas Gerais [an state of Brazil], the celebrations of the work of a master of barroque art. The death of the sculptor Aleijadinho will complete 200 years in 2014.

At the altar, reliquaries sculpted by Antnio Francisco Lisboa, the Aleijadinho. Of his authorship are also the sculptures of the sanctuary, an World Heritage Site.

"This is the History of Brazil, is is our history" says a woman.


The 12 Profets [Os 12 Profetas] were sculpted in soapstone, when Aleijadinho alredy suffered deformations on his body, caused by a mysterious disease.

Aleijadinho died in November 18th of 1814.Throughout his life, he made several works, today recognized worldwide, like in the city of Ouro Preto. But one of them, in Congonhas, is considered his masterpiece.

"To think the baroque arised in Italy around the 1600s. He will close an cycle in Congonhas, in Brazil, more specificaly in Congonhas", states Luciomar Sebastio de Jesus, municipal director of Heritage.

Nas capelas em frente baslica, 64 imagens em cedro, em tamanho real, representam a Via Sacra de Jesus. Tudo isso a leva a uma viagem emocionante, muito emocionante, diz o mecnico Carlos Alberto Amorim.


In the chapels in front of the basilica, 64 images in cedar, in life size, represent Jesus' Vila Sacra.

It is just the beginningof many tributes for the bicentenary of an master's death.

[Source ]

updated by @leopoldina: 11 Jun 2017 09:09:15AM
Georgiana Fitzherbert Grace
12 years ago
95 posts
Oh how beautiful thankyou dear you always have such lovely articles on here