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September - Renaissance Hunting in Antiquity

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

Three Antiquity businesses - Los Texanos Beaux-Arts, Twelfthnight Designs, and Les Arts de Saint-Bruno - are participating in this month's Renaissance Hunt. In addition, the Antiquity Owners Group is sponsoring a minihunt through nine of Antiquity's 16 sims (thus involving a total of 10 Antiquity sims and involving both the surface and forest levels.)

The Renaissance Hunt, of course, starts at the Renaissance Faire which is always a great source of resources for life in the 145th, 15th or 16th centuries. )

Antiquity's own Renaissance Minihunt starts at the first of Antiquity's three Renaissance Faire stops, Les Arts de Saint-Bruno, in Mont Saint Bruno, Antiquity Heights.

We look forward to seeing you wandering around! If you run into any problems with the minihunt, please contact Tiamat Windstorm.

Antiquity Hedgewitch

updated by @tiamat-windstorm-von-hirvi: 06 Oct 2016 06:30:20AM