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Downton abbey styled Roleplay

Lady Adelaide,Countess of Soures
10 years ago
4 posts

Recently I have decided that I was planning to make a new styled roleplay. I have always been interested in the 1910's-1920's just like in downton abbey. So before I start decorating the plot, I was just wondering how many people would be interested in the roleplay. A quick backstory.

It will be based between 1912-1922 in a Country Manor of an aristocratic family and their servants, They're going through great events in history that will alter their lifes. It will be the duke and duchess and their kids. They're parents will be looking to arrange marriages for their children with up and coming aristocrats and alot of drama will take place. Below in the basement of the manor is a whole new world of servants trying to keep the family above happy and keep themselfs in a job. This house brings two worlds together.. What will happen you decide.

We will need:

The duke and duchess's children (Late teens-early twenties)







and more

updated by @lady-adelaidecountess-of-soures: 13 Oct 2016 01:46:05AM
Princess Louise of Denmark
10 years ago
13 posts


I think this would be rather fun role play scenario. I would love to discuss this further with you.. When you have the time of course.:) I have been away from the royal courts for a long time, so I would love to get back into role play in the royal courts of SL, and believe this would be an awesome place to start.

I believe I would enjoy playing a roll of one of the duke and duchess's children.

Have a wonderful day,

Princess Louise

Craутon T. Cavιℓℓ
10 years ago
46 posts

That sounds like a wonderful idea, I especially like the years before the first World War, but even after it was a really interesting time. That's a really great idea you got there. I would be happy to visit ! This is really great that there is a new project in this era.

Best regards,

Marquess Craythorne

Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
10 years ago
80 posts

How marvelous!

Lady Adelaide,Countess of Soures
10 years ago
4 posts

Thank you for all the positives replies, I'm very greatful. Its still in early stages, At the moment I'm in contact with a builder to get a special building designed and built. And I'm drafting up a plan on how the roleplay would work. I love all of your nice messages. I will keep everybody that is interested updated on my progession and I am always open to suggestions and ideas. I would love if anybody had some information or ideas for me to help this roleplay grow.

Luise von Habsburg-Sachsen
10 years ago
1 posts

Is this going to be a sim.. or just your personal RP?