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The Dauphin's Dinner

By Phan Republic, 2012-11-20


The Dauphin greeted guests as they arrive; as planned, it was a small intimate occasion, each guest carefully invited based on loyalty and interest. The Madame Victoire sat in for the Madame Royale, who usually sits by her favourite nephew during meals (but who had - of late - succumbed to a mysterious illness only known to herself and God).

Although rumors swirled around the palace about the new comtesse d'Artois having already succumbed to the illness of child-bearing (an improbable feat ... but, nonetheless founded on noises heard from their apartment on the wedding night), the dauphin showed no signs of ill-will or discomfort, and was ever the host for a dinner party that not only included the royal comte and madame, but also the crown jewel of all Europe, the dauphine, Marie-Antoinette. His cousin, His Serene Highness, the comte de la Marche rounded out la section de la famille .

Other guests included the vicomtesse de Lagrasse, otherwise known as the "last Tancarville with any inkling of social acceptance," according to the Madame Royale, who thusly defended her family of matrimony when small talk went scandalous, despite rumours of further financial scandals surrounding the family at large. Seated beside the vicomtesse, and completely enamoured by her charm, was none other than the abbe', Hyacinthe d'Albert de Luynes, who extolled the virtues of service to a Greater Good.The Madamoiselles de Bidache were present as well, flanking their hopeful queen, with beauty and grace.

Once she had put in her requisite time, the Madame Victoire stood and excused herself, forcing the servants to put together a last minute plate for her dearest nephew, the comte de Provence, who was laid up in bed with gout and and ill stomach.

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Dinner ... in the Swamp!

By Phan Republic, 2012-06-13

HRH, Louis-Stanislas, comte de Provence, decided to throw a picnic in the forest near the palace to celebrate all things natural and presumably good. When telling his plans to his dear Tantes the week before, the Madame Royale scoffed at him, suggesting that only a fool would host a dinner "in the old swamp," as she called it.


But, in all of his learned wisdom, he forged ahead with planning and created what he thought would be a most magnificent feast, attracting some of the most favoured of the French court. Madame Victoire hosted the event along with her nephew, much to the dismay of Royale (who cursed them both privately). The abbe' Joseph Terray was in attendance, along with a visiting Archbishop. The comte de Fraisac and the Mlle de Louvigny (who will wed later this week) cooed at each other, as the table did toward the newly engaged.


Toward the end of the meal, shortly after dessert had been served, after they had talked about nearly everyone that wasn't present (well, there were a few whispers when some weren't looking), HRH raised his glass to salute an accomplished feast, one that had united the harmony of humanity with the beauty of nature.

At that moment ... a swarm of mosquitoes descended on the courtiers like fabled locusts in Egypt, forcing the most delicate creatures in France toward the safety of a stone palace.


Stanislas was last to make it inside, and as he ran toward his suites, he was tortured by a familiar voice - that of his beloved aunt Adelaide, whose cackling could be heard clear across the vestibule.

((photos courtesy of Brownbat, aka "the Madame Victoire."

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A bare foot, clad only with a leather sandal hits the pavement out of the car, then another. The camera pans out to reveal a young man in a white Tshirt, dark jeans and a white cap, staring toward the massive wrought iron gate before pulling his shades down over his stoic face. He quickly opens the gate, and shuts it behind him, moving forward not a single etch of feeling or emotion on his face.

He walks up to the massive door. He shakes the door knob,then BANGS it loudly.

The door opens hurriedly, and another young man appears; tall, dark, with tattoos appearing slightly out of a dressy-casual outfit. Hesmiles in his charming manner as he greets the young man.

Welcome home, Sir. May I take your bags?

Click HERE to read the rest of Episode 1, Season 1 of Exiled! A Royal Family in Greenwich, Connecticut

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Exiled! Episode 3 "Carnal Knowledge"

By Phan Republic, 2015-11-14


Elizabeth Farnese shifts in her seat while her mother continuesher concerns about Eddies all nighters. She slowly runs her finger around the rim of the nearly cold coffee cup. She makes a slight response with a twitch of her forehead at the last remark.

Eh! She says, shaking her head slightly as she glances toward Megan to see if she is observant enough to freshen her cup. She dabs her lips with the cloth napkin before placing it back across her lap.

She turns toward her mother, nodding. Well mother, were just going to have to create a united front. No more bickering. We will just have to march up there and tell him how its going to be. She lets out a sigh knowing this is easier said than done.


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Ep. 2 "The Gunpowder Plot"

By Phan Republic, 2015-10-13


Liz sighs, slowlyresigning herself to what must be Martins truth. Money was most important, and while she may not always have Paris, she certainly had access to the internet.

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