Satoharu Nakamura
Avatar: Satoharu Nakamura
VW: Second Life

Location: San Jose, CA
Country: US
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FrancisI Stephen de Lorraine
01 Dec 2010 02:41:53PM @francisi-stephen-de-lorraine:
Welcome to The House of Habsburg Sophie Marie.
Tatiana Dokuchic
12 Sep 2009 09:07:13AM @tatiana-dokuchic:
Welcome, Satoharu!!Thank you for reposting Christian kuge. It's an interesting blog.
Tatiana Dokuchic
09 May 2010 11:58:28AM @tatiana-dokuchic:
Thank you for supporting Royal Courts. Your donation is truly appreciated! Tatiana
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 Mar 2016 10:07:00AM @tatiana-dokuchic:

Thank you for the lovely gift, Hatsuka!

I'll send you a notecard inworld about going the Co-op :)