One of the most popular activities of Summer Solstice Celebrations in Sorrentina was the opportunity to sail aboard Captain Lucerius Zeffirelli's magnificent ship The Manticore.
Thank you for posting this Summer. This was the 11:00 bay cruise, where I've had the most people aboard at once. Truly a historical voyage for the Manticore. If you look closely, you will see that all starboard cannons are manned, as well as two portside cannons. Both ratline spots are taken, as well as the "standing" poseballs on the captain's left and right sides. That makes 11 passengers plus the captain...12 people all together, with 15 total spots. Had we have had 3 more people, it would have been a full boat. AND we crossed the sim borders beautifully despite the amount of people riding. It was a bit of a gamble, but we won that game ) I hope everyone had a great time.
Thank you for posting this Summer. This was the 11:00 bay cruise, where I've had the most people aboard at once. Truly a historical voyage for the Manticore. If you look closely, you will see that all starboard cannons are manned, as well as two portside cannons. Both ratline spots are taken, as well as the "standing" poseballs on the captain's left and right sides. That makes 11 passengers plus the captain...12 people all together, with 15 total spots. Had we have had 3 more people, it would have been a full boat. AND we crossed the sim borders beautifully despite the amount of people riding. It was a bit of a gamble, but we won that game
) I hope everyone had a great time.
You are most welcome, Captain Luc, and thank YOU. ( : It was a happy, fun and memorable experience for us all.