@ Foray Society Reading Room, Sanditon Shops, Port Austen,...
Attendees: @Merry Chase, @Elizabeth Malet, @Tatiana Dokuchic
"Foray" is the Antiquity Austen & Aubrey Association . We meet the first Sunday of each month, and our reading room is always open to you. On its shelves you'll find all the books of Jane Austen, and many other historic titles.
Discussions are OOC and any PG avatar is welcome, but it's fun to attend in Regency attire if you can. Here is your open phaeton--don't let your chaperone see you riding in it! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Antiquity%20Argyle/70/101/31
We discuss not only works written during the Regency era, but modern literature set in that era. And we choose something to read as a group, for special discussion four times a year. In our December meeting we'll discuss Pride and Prejudice and, if you wish, a few selected, related works.
To find out more about Foray and catch up on news from our first meeting, see this forum post: Foray Literary Society Successfully Launched
It's our big quarterly meeting. I hope to see lots of you there!