Oh my goodness, I forgot I hadn't posted this already!
Here are the notes from our April meeting.
We discussed three spin-offs of Pride and Prejudice, all written in recent years, in various genres and from various points of view.
Here's the chat that ensued...
[10:05] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So at last we're here to talk about those P&P spinoffs. Three very different books, and I enjoyed them all so much.
[10:06] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: Isn't it wonderful how these books can extend our Austen pleasure in so many different directions
[10:06] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I've got synopses from Good Reads if anyone wants to have those. The books are P&P& Zombies, Longbourne, and Death Comes to Pemberley.
[10:06] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, it is wonderful. Fun and enlightening.
[10:07] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: we get to revisit old friends and I'm always looking for new insights into their characters
[10:07] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes!
[10:07] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And to me, Longbourne was especially enlightening since it gave us a look at the "downstairs," servants' side of life.
[10:08] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: definitely
[10:08] Kghia Gherardi: I'm in the midst of Longbourn at the moment. 
[10:09] Kghia Gherardi: Jo Baker, the author, is sometimes a bit too vivid when describing the servants' work.
[10:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Ah, okay, I'll try not to drop any spoilers.
[10:09] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: gives a lot of perspective - one minute you're thinking the upstairs life is pretty difficult and then you see what's happening downstairs
[10:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): It does get a bit visceral. Her descriptions of smells? She doesn't hold back.
[10:09] Kghia Gherardi: Spoilers are not a problem. I'm enjoying the writing (and picking up new terms).
[10:09] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Hahaha.
[10:09] Kghia Gherardi: And greasy wash water!
[10:10] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, Austen wrote of the family's life as if it was so difficult but their concerns look petty in comparison with the life of a common house servant.
[10:10] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: oh yes - the continual washing
[10:10] Merry Chase (merrytricks): The constant flayed skin from washing and being out in the cold air.
[10:10] Kghia Gherardi: I knew the family was not especially well-to-do, but the book made it much more apparent.
[10:11] Kghia Gherardi: The amount of work the servants had to do! Interspersed with soothing egos.
[10:12] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh yes and if the family are deciding whether or not to travel, or keep a footman, all their decisions have so much bearing on the lives of the servants who have no say in the matter.
[10:12] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: true
[10:12] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And then too, before I read the book I was afraid it would be unremitting toil and drudgery.
[10:12] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: and just consider that this was a fairly "kind hearted" family
[10:13] Merry Chase (merrytricks): But there's adventure and romance and mystery.
[10:13] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I was immediately drawn into the storyline. I wondered about whether I had seen any indication in P&P that Mr. Bennett would have been dallying outside his marriage, but ... in the times, it was not uncommon.
[10:13] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, a family that treated their servants "well."
[10:14] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): The family treated their servants well, yet such hardships they had!
[10:14] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, Austen didn't show us any outright adultery that I recall but that doesn't mean it didn't exist, for sure.
[10:15] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Or gay sex.
[10:15] Kghia Gherardi: definitely a modern writer addressing the story
[10:15] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh yes, the hardships just went along with the life of a servant or any poor working person.
[10:15] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And they were lucky to be working.
[10:15] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, a modern writer can show us those sides of life that Austen couldn't.
[10:16] Kghia Gherardi: I was expecting something more Downton Abbey when I started the book, but I didn't factor in the difference in eras!
[10:16] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I wondered if Longbourne's main character's independent streak wasn't a little too modern in a female servant.
[10:17] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I wonder if a modern writer feels obliged/pressured to show those sides - to attract more of an audience perhaps
[10:17] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Hm, if so I don't think it's a bad thing, personally.
[10:18] Merry Chase (merrytricks): For me, part of the interest of revisiting the characters and plot, is to see things from a modern perspective that would have been hidden from the original writer's point of view.
[10:18] Kghia Gherardi: Baker contrasted the economic status between the Bennets and the Bingleys well, even at the servant level. When the maid delivers a message to the Bingley household, the additional number of servants and the organization of it all.
[10:18] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I agree - it's probably more true to life and modern audiences perhaps miss the more subtle indications
[10:19] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Since we're on Longbourn to begin with, just in case anyone hasn't read any of it yet, here's the synopsis from Good Reads.
[10:19] Merry Chase (merrytricks): If Elizabeth Bennet had the washing of her own petticoats, Sarah often thought, she’d most likely be a sight more careful with them.
In this irresistibly imagined belowstairs answer to Pride and Prejudice, the servants take center stage. Sarah, the orphaned housemaid, spends her days scrubbing the laundry, polishing the floors, and emptying the chamber pots for the Bennet household. But there is just as much romance, heartbreak, and intrigue downstairs at Longbourn as there is upstairs. When a mysterious new footman arrives, the orderly realm of the servants’ hall threatens to be completely, perhaps irrevocably, upended.
Jo Baker dares to take us beyond the drawing rooms of Jane Austen’s classic—into the often overlooked domain of the stern housekeeper and the starry-eyed kitchen maid, into the gritty daily particulars faced by the lower classes in Regency England during the Napoleonic Wars—and, in doing so, creates a vivid, fascinating, fully realized world that is wholly her own.
[10:20] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, the contrast in the downstairs staff, between a poor genteel house and a wealthy house, that was interesting. And the way the servants take their class from their masters, right?
[10:20] Kghia Gherardi nods. Exactly.
[10:20] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I had no trouble getting into the downstairs story, and found it fascinating - I read the whole thing almost in one night! But I did have qualms when dialog was attributed to Jane and especially Elizabeth. It sounded modern, unlike the tone Austen used. Anyone else have that problem?
[10:20] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: very
[10:21] Merry Chase (merrytricks): A maid from a wealthy house could practically lord it over a maid from a humble cottage.
[10:21] Kghia Gherardi: I didn't notice that, Anabel. But I can see how it could be a bit distracting to a reader.
[10:22] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I have to say I wasn't expecting to like this book, and i did very much. I always worry that a "spinoff" will not live up a classic.
[10:22] Kghia Gherardi: When I read PPZ, I had more problems with the re-purposing of Ausen's language.
[10:22] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, I did sometimes feel a little like going back to the original to compare.
[10:23] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Right, so, PPZ, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies -- a much more fanciful take on the story.
[10:23] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: definitely
[10:23] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So here's that synopsis from Good Reads.
[10:23] Merry Chase (merrytricks): “It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie in possession of brains must be in want of more brains.”
So begins Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, an expanded edition of the beloved Jane Austen novel featuring all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem. As our story opens, a mysterious plague has fallen upon the quiet English village of Meryton—and the dead are returning to life! Feisty heroine Elizabeth Bennet is determined to wipe out the zombie menace, but she’s soon distracted by the arrival of the haughty and arrogant Mr. Darcy. What ensues is a delightful comedy of manners with plenty of civilized sparring between the two young lovers—and even more violent sparring on the blood-soaked battlefield. Can Elizabeth vanquish the spawn of Satan? And overcome the social prejudices of the class-conscious landed gentry? Complete with romance, heartbreak, swordfights, cannibalism, and thousands of rotting corpses, Pride and Prejudice and Zombies transforms a masterpiece of world literature into something you’d actually want to read.
[10:23] Kghia Gherardi: I read it years ago, so my memory of it is a bit fuzzy.
[10:23] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I was so ready for the Bennett girls to take charge of their lives
[10:23] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: by killing the undead
[10:23] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: lol
[10:24] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I find that last line of the synopsis unfair since of course we're the kind of people who actually want to read a masterpiece of world literature but it is a lot of fun to take it full-on into fantasy.
[10:24] Kghia Gherardi: Yes, Tatiana! No more waiting on men!
[10:24] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, it answers the question, what would the Bennett girls be like if they were empowered?
[10:25] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: yes - which I find most satisfying
[10:25] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: apparently I have a lot of pent up frustration for their situations
[10:25] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Also it answered for me a question that in spite of the answers Austen herself gave, always nagged at me. How could Charlotte marry that awful Rev. Collins???!?!?!??!
[10:26] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Ah yes, Tatiana. Me too - what could a woman with Elizabeth's brain do if society allowed her to take charge!
[10:26] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I laughed aloud, long and hard, when I read the Zombies explanation of Charlotte's motivation.
[10:26] Kghia Gherardi: I also read Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter by the same author. I found PPZ more satisfying. I think because the women were so much more active in their own lives.
[10:27] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, Abe Lincoln didn't really need fictionalizing to become active and influential.
[10:27] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I did find it unfortunate that Charlotte became one of the undead
[10:27] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: though it was amusing how they ignored her faults even as they got worse
[10:28] Merry Chase (merrytricks): It was so practical and mercenary of her, right in character really, to go ahead and marry knowing secretly she was a zombie.
[10:29] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And yes, people overlooking it. Polite of them really, right?
[10:29] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: true
[10:29] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Oh - now I have to read PPZ to find out about Charlotte! I was never satisfied about the character of Charlotte that she seemed an intelligent friend for Jane, but she ended up a plot device and we don't see her, other than a brief mentions, after her marriage.
[10:29] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: the interesting part was that they apparently didn't kill indiscriminately
[10:30] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: a friend was a friend
[10:30] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oops, sorry about the spoiler Anabel but yes, do read it. It's a hoot.
[10:30] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): No worries - you got me to put it on my reading list 
[10:30] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Tatiana, I don't recall, they didn't kill indiscriminately....?
[10:30] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh good Anabel.
[10:30] Kghia Gherardi: Wasn't there some snobbery attached to the way the girls trained to fight zombies?
[10:31] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I meant that they killed every zombie in sight except Charlotte
[10:31] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh yes, it does seem like there was. Elitism?
[10:31] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Ah right, yes.
[10:31] Kghia Gherardi: A way of setting the Bennets off as less prosperous than their peers.
[10:31] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): *intelligent friend for Elizabeth, I meant to say earlier.
[10:31] Kghia Gherardi: (why that sticks in my memory, I have no idea)
[10:31] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Which to me is realistic. As much as they want to eradicate zombies it's hard to slay a dear friend.
[10:32] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And yet the Bennett girls were much admired as fighters.
[10:32] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: yes, I was wondering if there was some unwritten code
[10:33] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And then we have Death Comes to Pemberley, the only one of the three that's a sequel, and it's a murder mystery.
[10:33] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Here's the Good Reads Synopsis
[10:33] Merry Chase (merrytricks): It is 1803, six years since Elizabeth and Darcy embarked on their life together at Pemberley, Darcy’s magnificent estate. Their peaceful, orderly world seems almost unassailable. Elizabeth has found her footing as the chatelaine of the great house. They have two fine sons, Fitzwilliam and Charles. Elizabeth’s sister Jane and her husband, Bingley, live nearby; her father visits often; there is optimistic talk about the prospects of marriage for Darcy’s sister Georgiana. And preparations are under way for their much-anticipated annual autumn ball.
Then, on the eve of the ball, the patrician idyll is shattered. A coach careens up the drive carrying Lydia, Elizabeth’s disgraced sister, who with her husband, the very dubious Wickham, has been banned from Pemberley. She stumbles out of the carriage, hysterical, shrieking that Wickham has been murdered. With shocking suddenness, Pemberley is plunged into a frightening mystery.
Inspired by a lifelong passion for Austen, P.D. James masterfully re-creates the world of Pride and Prejudice, electrifying it with the excitement and suspense of a brilliantly crafted crime story, as only she can write it.
[10:34] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So we're back in reality, and back among the genteel class, but 6 years later, and in a murder mystery.
[10:34] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I found Death less well written than Longbourn or Zombies but still a pleasure to revisit the characters and see how their lives might have progressed.
[10:35] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I pre-orded Death Comes to Pemberley when it came out, because I enjoyed P.D. James and P&P. So my memory may be hazy on detail. I remembered being a bit disappointed with the dialog - wonder if James "dumbed it down" for modern readers.
[10:35] Kghia Gherardi: This work is on my TBR list, but sadly I'm not familiar enough with it to comment.
[10:35] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I was a bit disappointed with it myself but perhaps it was because my expectations were higher for it
[10:36] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I felt towards the end there was a heavy amount of explanatory text, written as chunks of exposition instead of revealed through action or dialog. And it seemed to me to repeat itself a bit.
[10:36] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): It didn't help me that I thought Lydia was just grabbing attention - it took me a while to get into the "mystery" part 
[10:37] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: ahhhh Lydia
[10:37] Merry Chase (merrytricks): In the course of reading it I did become better able to distinguish Lydia and Kitty! Always a problem for me.
[10:37] Kghia Gherardi: for me as well
[10:37] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Hahaha. I could tell Lydia, but Kitty was a stick figure to me.
[10:37] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So what Kitty might have been and become, out from under Lydia's influence, is a fun thing to play with.
[10:38] Kghia Gherardi: Did the characters eventually live up to your expectations or did they disappoint?
[10:38] Merry Chase (merrytricks): You know, I think in this case the movie did more for me, as far as character appreciation.
[10:39] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Not to criticize - P&P had a plethera of good material, and I wouldn't expect that Austen would give every character a full expansion in one book.
[10:39] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Films have been made of Death and of Zombies, but I've not seen the latter.
[10:39] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, some characters had to be minor, had to fulfill plot devices.
[10:39] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: Zombies is actually pretty well done as a film
[10:39] Kghia Gherardi: adding both to my TBW list
[10:40] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: to answer Kghia - I thought the characters were good but I had expected great
[10:41] Merry Chase (merrytricks) nods
[10:41] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: it was lovely though to peek in on them and see how life was treating them
[10:41] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: and Lydia - true to form - continued to make me crazy
[10:41] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes!
[10:41] Hettange (hettange.ferryhill) is online.
[10:41] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Haha, yes
[10:41] Kghia Gherardi: I suspect that is the challenge with taking on an existing novel. Will you meet the reader's expectations? Or surpass them?
[10:42] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And Wickham continued to annoy as well.
[10:42] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: yes - in modern times I have both Wickham and Lydia on mute
[10:42] Merry Chase (merrytricks): In a way I think taking it into another genre, a fantasy or a murder mystery, makes it easier.
[10:42] Merry Chase (merrytricks): For the writer that is.
[10:42] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: that's a good point
[10:42] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Gosh darn, couldn't they just send them both to India? Wickham would have a whole another way of life to exploit and leave our favorites alone! Hehe
[10:43] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh there's a neat idea for another spinoff. Lydia and Wickham redeeming themselves as they face the challenges of a different life far from home.
[10:43] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: could work
[10:44] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I agree, Merry, trying to make a sequel of a beloved classic is a tremendous task, and one likely to disappoint some readers.
[10:44] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: instead of being enablers they could aspire to something more
[10:44] Kghia Gherardi: It would be against their natures to change. I think they like who they are.
[10:44] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, they would have to be subjected to great pressures.
[10:44] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): That would be interesting. I am used to thinking of them as users though.
[10:45] Kghia Gherardi: and we'd probably always be suspicious of *why* they changed
[10:45] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): In a new environment, I think they would find a new way to use. But I admire your optimism for them, Merry!
[10:46] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Ah, well, I guess I've always believed in redemption though I've rarely witnessed it.
[10:46] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I could imagine Lydia changing just because she grew up and had more experience of life
[10:46] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yeah, I guess for both of them, maturity would be the redeeming quality.
[10:46] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And adversity would be the maturing influence.
[10:47] Kghia Gherardi nods
[10:47] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): That might get to the crux of sequels and re-imaginings - readers feel they "know" the characters and resist attempts to see them molded in another scenario.
[10:47] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Anyhow, that's in a theoretical and unwritten novel.
[10:47] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Right!
[10:47] Merry Chase (merrytricks): There's that resistance in readers and yet also eagerness to go along with seeing their favorite characters develop in new situations.
[10:48] Kghia Gherardi: that is why too many series go on too long
[10:48] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): ((I was very resistant to the Laurie King Sherlock series - but it won me over eventually))
[10:49] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Sometimes even the original writer can lose us. Anne becomes less compelling when she grows up and leaves Green Gables.
[10:50] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So, as a sequel, are there ways Death Comes to Pemberley works well?
[10:50] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: she does - her magic was in her childhood
[10:50] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, agree about Anne's magic.
[10:50] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Or ways Death works poorly?
[10:51] Merry Chase (merrytricks): As a sequel or as a murder mystery?
[10:52] Merry Chase (merrytricks): In Death, it was necessary to bring in some new characters, who we learn have always lived on the Pemberley estate. I rather liked them.
[10:52] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I told myself I should reread "Death" pretending I hadn't read P&P and see if it worked better. But even as a murder mystery - as you mentioned Merry - it was sloppy at the end.
[10:52] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, the tying up of loose ends.
[10:52] Merry Chase (merrytricks): It went on a bit long.
[10:53] Kghia Gherardi: Where you a PD James fan going into the book?
[10:53] Merry Chase (merrytricks): No, I will have to try something else by PD James.
[10:53] Merry Chase (merrytricks): What would you recommend?
[10:54] Kghia Gherardi: I'm not a PD James reader either.
[10:54] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Oh yes, I quite enjoyed PD James' books. I pre-ordered this one - thinking it would be a great synthesis of her meticulous mystery plots and a continuation of the P&P mileau.
[10:54] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: me either - that's interesting
[10:54] Kghia Gherardi: I get the feeling Death isn't the novel to start with.
[10:54] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Ah okay
[10:54] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Anabel, is there one you can suggest for us to start with?
[10:55] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Gosh, so many. "An Unsuitable Job for a Woman" perhaps.
[10:55] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Okay, I'll try that. Its title intrigues.
[10:55] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Although she is perhaps more famous for her Adam Dalgliesh series.
[10:56] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: I'll add it to my list as well
[10:56] Kghia Gherardi adds to her TBR list and considers today's discussion a success.
[10:56] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I think the first I read was A Taste for Death. I went back to the used bookstore and bought the rest.
[10:56] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh, good enough to own!
[10:57] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, it's great to have some additions to our lists, as well as this chance to compare notes on what we've already read.
[10:57] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I like procedurals and cozie, and James is a good mix - she was a judge most of her life.
[10:58] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): *cozies
[10:58] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So what would you all say to picking a book to discuss next, and talking about it at our next meeting? I'm thinking we don't really need three months between selections.
[10:58] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Sounds good to me.
[10:58] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: me too
[10:59] Kghia Gherardi agrees
[10:59] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Okay! Our next meeting is Sunday, May 7.
[10:59] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Hello Hanny!
[10:59] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Welcome!
[10:59] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Greetings!
[10:59] Kghia Gherardi: Hello, Hanny
[10:59] Merry Chase (merrytricks): We're just about to discuss what we'd like to read for our next meeting.
[11:00] Merry Chase (merrytricks): We've focused on Austen and Austen spinoffs thus far.
[11:00] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Shall we venture into some Aubrey-Maturin next?
[11:00] hanny (hannyhyacinth): Hi. I didn't receive the meeting notice until a few minutes ago. Sorry for being late.
[11:00] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Quite alright, glad you made it.
[11:00] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I'd be happy to rad Aubrey-Martin next - in fact I just started re-reading the OBrien series.
[11:01] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I should probably start sending notices two or three days in advance instead of 10 hours in advance.
[11:01] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): ((pardon my typos today!))
[11:01] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Oh good Anabel.
[11:01] Merry Chase (merrytricks): All tupoes forgiben.
[11:01] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): heheh
[11:01] Merry Chase (merrytricks): ㋡
[11:01] hanny (hannyhyacinth): Is there a reason why this meeting is held only once a month?
[11:02] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I can't commit to any more than that. Even a once a month commitment is difficult for me.
[11:02] Merry Chase (merrytricks): But if members wanted to host on additional dates that would be great.
[11:02] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I have heard a number of reviewers say "Post Captain" is the best and most typical of the series. However I don't think it stands on its own as well as some others.
[11:02] Kghia Gherardi: Once a month is plenty for me. It allows me to mix some Regency in with my other reading
[11:03] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I feel like starting at the beginning is good even if we don't all read the entire 21-novel series together.
[11:03] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct) agrees with Merry on that one.
[11:03] Kghia Gherardi: So, Master & Commander?
[11:03] Merry Chase (merrytricks): So okay, with Patrick O'Brian's Aubrey and Maturin series, we stay rooted in realism and close-around to the Regency.
[11:03] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, let's read Master & Commander for next month.
[11:04] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: sounds like a plan
[11:04] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Then anyone who wants to can continue the series on their own, and I'd always be happy to talk about any or all of them, but we'll just do the one as a group at least for now.
[11:04] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Also there are so many other things awaiting us.
[11:04] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): i hope soon...to invite you to meet at the Pump Room...in Antiquity Bath
[11:04] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Books written in the Regency era about other eras, books written in other eras about the Regency era...
[11:04] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Thank you Jacon.
[11:05] Kghia Gherardi: Merry, will you send out a notice regarding the next book? Maybe a time or two over the next month?
[11:05] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, I will do that Kghia.
[11:05] Kghia Gherardi: The reminder is very helpful!
[11:05] Merry Chase (merrytricks): I like having a regular event take place here in Port Austen, but you all should know that this is a part of the multi-sim estate of Antiquity, of which Jacon is the leader, and the RP of Antiquity is set in the Regency era!
[11:06] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Just a thought on M&C - there are few scenes on land and in "polite" company, so there is a lot "military male" conversations and sea terms - I enjoyed it immensely, and it gives a balance to the intricacies of Austen's work.
[11:06] Merry Chase (merrytricks): There are now many stunning Regency builds on the estate so please do explore and enjoy them and if you like historic roleplay definitely join in.
[11:06] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): This is a lovely place, Jacon.
[11:06] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): thank you
[11:06] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Right Anabel, about the more masculine focus of M&C.
[11:07] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: If it helps - Merry has the meetings posting on http://livinghistoryvw.com/ and it will send you a reminder the day before if you indicate you are attending
[11:07] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I guess I just wanted to say, don't go into the book and expect tea and crumpets!
[11:07] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Over the course of the books O'Brian does an amazing job of balancing adventure at sea with drawing rooms and other fraught battlefields on land.
[11:07] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): True, Merry.
[11:07] Merry Chase (merrytricks): But the first book does have more of the at-sea focus than some later ones.
[11:08] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Although it begins as an altercation of sorts in a polite and refined concert setting!
[11:08] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes) stands quietly.....I am sorry...but I must slip out
[11:08] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: Au revoir Jacon
[11:08] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Quite alright, we should be wrapping up.
[11:08] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): thank you so much...i have not read much ..but i do enjoy following the conversation
[11:09] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Pleasant journey, Jacon
[11:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And maybe we should plan a field trip to the Pump Room and Bath in general!
[11:09] Kghia Gherardi: It has been an interesting discussion today.
[11:09] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): Duchess....it is always a pleasure to have you visit
[11:09] lifetriangle is online.
[11:09] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): ladies..have a wonderful day
[11:09] Jacon Cortes de Bexar (jacon.cortes): /bows with respect
[11:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Thank you your highness!
[11:09] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): When I first went through the series, I skipped a lot of the blow-by-blow accounts of the sailing and battles - too much jargon for me - but as I got towards the end, I found myself able to follow better.
[11:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Me too, Anabel!
[11:09] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Thank you, Prince Jacon
[11:09] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: oh - good tip
[11:09] Merry Chase (merrytricks): And in each rereading of the series I make better sense of the ships and the battle strategy.
[11:10] Merry Chase (merrytricks): But it's totally possible to thoroughly enjoy the stories while skimming the more technical bits.
[11:10] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): I'm chattering about this so that people know you don't have to be an expert at 18th century sailing ships to enjoy the books.
[11:10] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): Lol, like Merry said 
[11:10] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Thank you Anabel, It's an excellent point.
[11:10] Merry Chase (merrytricks): In fact I will mention that in my notices.
[11:11] Kghia Gherardi: I've been put off the series by the ships/battles, so good to know.
[11:11] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Thank you for your kind and generous tip, Kghia! Tips are optional but appreciated ㋡
[11:11] Kghia Gherardi: I'll be off. Thank you for the discussion today.
[11:11] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Yes, stick with it and you'l find the
[11:11] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: Au revoir Kghia
[11:11] Merry Chase (merrytricks): okay, thanks for coming Kghia and I look forward to next time.
[11:12] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: many thanks, ladies - it was a pleasure 
[11:12] Anabel Constabyl (steampunkconstruct): These are fun discussions. I hate it when I have to miss due to RL.
[11:12] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Stick with Master & Commander and you'll find that the battles and ships are really just a backdrop for the development of amazing characters and a legendary friendship.
[11:12] TatianaDokuchic Varriale: until next time
[11:12] Merry Chase (merrytricks): Let us hope RL is kind to us next time!