Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 Jul 2024 09:03:30AM
1,919 posts

PBR Resources

General Discussion

The journey continues!

First a look at a New World Notes post that doesn’t have many suggestions but does sum up my initial experience fairly well.

How To Optimize PBR Era Firestorm: Notes & Tips From The Lead Dev

Getting through to people that 'OMG it is too light' and 'OMG it is too dark' is not a fault in the viewer, it is a fundamental change in the lighting model. Many people live their lives with a flat toned WindLight/EEP, something like CalWL.

I cannot run shadows consistently on my old computer which makes PBR EEP settings blindingly bright when I’m outside.  Interiors are dark but at least I can fix this on my home turf with the proper lighting.

Pushed by this and the clunking noise now emanating from my old machine, I upgraded my setup and spent the last few days calibrating, testing, and adjusting.

I can now run shadows and reflections so things look more like they should with PBR EEPs.  I currently flip between three of these, LL’s Midday, PBR - Saberhagen 6 v152 IBL V4 ACES AP1 HDRiMatch (see link in original post) and JuicyBomb - Midday 1.

The next step was to calibrate my monitor , something I really should have done ages ago.  To do this without losing my mind I leaned heavily on the PBR MacBeth Color Checker Chart which is free on the Second Life Marketplace.

There’s compromise in the calibration as I’m way too lazy to change monitor settings when switching from my desktop to Second Life so any settings must work for both.  The current result is easy on my eyes and close enough to true colours (using Saberhagen gives a 3.3 delta E value as opposed to the target 2.3 or lower) that I’m not going to sweat it for now.  I will keep trying out new EEPs as they become available and tweak my monitor as I go along.

I’m hoping that all this fiddly technical work has pointed me in the right direction as I look forward to the more satisfying challenge of building.

How about you? Have you tackled PBR? What’s your experience?

Tatiana Dokuchic
02 Jul 2024 01:23:48PM
1,919 posts

PBR Resources

General Discussion

The struggle is real!

If you don’t know what PBR is, I’ll let Inara Pey explain it to you in A SIMPLE INTRODUCTION TO PBR MATERIALS, REFLECTION PROBES & GLTF IN SECOND LIFE .

As she says, “Second Life is about to undergo something of a revolution in terms of the viewer’s rendering capabilities”.

I switched over to the Firestorm PBR viewer a week ago and the experience has been challenging.  There certainly is a lot to learn.  Out of the box, some things inworld looked absolutely horrible.  On the bright side, other things looked much more realistic and beautiful.

I thought I would post links to resources that I find along the way and I encourage you to do the same.

Graphics Settings:    This video by DJVicious was a big help in adjusting my Firestorm settings.  My current machine is scheduled to be replaced and I used some of his suggestions to keep myself online for a few more months.

Environment Settings (EEP): All of my favourite environments look BAD with PBR so I was alternating between Midday and Midday (Legacy) while I searched for something better.

I’m now using PBR EEP Collection (Windlights) - Day/Night Cycle, Midday, Night  which is free on the Second Life Marketplace.

I’m looking forward to rebuilding my collection and this is a good start.

Lighting interior PBR Scenes:   Apple Fall posted some great information on interior PBR lighting.  For those of you not on Primfeed I’m including the chart with all credit going to Apple Pumpkin of Apple Fall.

Apple Fall  Reflection Probes.jpg


There’s a whole lot more to say about creating PBR textures that I’m still wrapping my head around, so I’ll leave that for another day.

I anticipate that it will take ages for everyone to convert over to PBR viewers but I hope this helps as a start!

Tatiana Dokuchic
28 Jun 2024 09:48:41AM
1,919 posts

Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate

Communty News & Events

Zed Tremont:

Thank you very much for your kind words Tatiana. I started Bellevue a long time ago, the project is on hold for quite some years now. 



Time can be strange in SL.  I'm so glad I remembered your posts about Bellevue and could read them with fresh eyes all these years later.

That attic is a challenge for SL!  I have to say that it was a great experience seeing it in Kitely especially walking around the Lantern.

I'm looking forward to seeing how things develop.

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Jun 2024 05:37:40PM
1,919 posts

Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate

Communty News & Events

Sir Thomas Cave:

This is extremely exciting! I can't wait to see the progress!



Merci beaucoup!

There are so many similarities between Bellevue and Petit Trianon that I feel quite at home and ready to do things much better this time around.  Of course I have Zed's meshes to help me out.  Check out his blog and his images Blog - Zed Tremont |

There are secret staircases (from Pompadour's boudoir to Louis XV's room upstairs), tunnels for the guards, and passages for the servants.  It's too bad that the restrictions of the SL camera won't allow for everything to be done.

A huge structure (called a lantern) perched on the roof of the 1st floor allows light into the chapel below and the attic is constructed around it.  Very unique!  You can see it in Zed's picture here Bellevue 2 - Gallery - Zed Tremont |

Also, if you're ever in Kitely he has his model constructed there.  The basement is fabulous.

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Jun 2024 05:27:30PM
1,919 posts

[AoR] News ~ June 28, 2024

News & Events

Sir Thomas Cave:

I have a mild suspicion that perhaps I was not meant for the seas. (LOL). 


'ya think?? :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
27 Jun 2024 12:20:53PM
1,919 posts

[AoR] News ~ June 28, 2024

News & Events

With an army of builders and landscapers waiting for instructions, Tat runs into her office and dashes off the latest news …



We’d like to welcome Catherine-Joséphine d'Eissénie (ageofadelina) who is currently making her home on the Provence Coeur Estate.  You can read her story starting with Diary Of Mademoiselle La Princesse D'Eissénie .


Household Challenge (HHC)

This edition of the challenge will be wrapping up soon as most players have already received their ribbon.  If you are still planning on playing, Mikhail I’m looking at you, please do so soon.

[AoR] Household Management Challenge - Age Of Reason |


Buying in Bulk

If anyone is interested in selling Bulk Butter (80 units) please contact Tat and I will set up the Packer to make that possible.


Brand-new Culinary Delights

Nothing new to report though rumour has it that two new fish dishes may be in the works.


Chief Cook & Bottle Washer

In the midst of making lemon drinks for thirsty comrades, Tat unexpectedly achieved the Master Cook level.  Cooking is now a bit faster, but bottle washing is not


Security & Permissions Explained

Security is an important component of our roleplay, shielding us from silly mistakes (ask me about those AES wheat fields) and malicious intentions (don’t get me started on this).  Done well, it works behind the scenes enhancing our play without us even realizing it.

Read all about it at: [AoR] Security & Permissions Explained - Age Of Reason |


Beautiful View: Expanding The Provence Coeur Estate

I’m very excited to announce the upcoming expansion of the Provence Coeur Estate!

A new region will soon be added to the east side of the Jardin Français (Provence Coeur Est2) and will be home to the  Château de Bellevue  , Madame de Pompadour’s elegant home with its beautiful view of the Seine River.

I’m hoping this additional space will also serve to enhance our active roleplay.

Learn more at:

Beautiful View: Expanding The Provence Coeur Estate - Living History |


Maritime Mishap

Maritime Mishap.jpg

Another maritime mishap was reported to the authorities at Port Trianon as an unconscious sailor was discovered at the docks.  Upon revival, he was heard to mumble something about the need to stock up on soap and other provisions.  The investigation is still underway.

Photo credit: Thomas Richard Cave (Delos Helstein)


If you have any stories, photos, achievements etc. that you would like to share with the community please send them to me for inclusion in the next newsletter.



Tatiana Dokuchic
26 Jun 2024 09:23:43AM
1,919 posts

Beautiful View: Expanding the Provence Coeur Estate

Communty News & Events


I’m very excited to announce the upcoming expansion of the Provence Coeur Estate!

A new region will soon be added to the east side of the Jardin Français (Provence Coeur Est2) and will be home to the Château de Bellevue , Madame de Pompadour’s elegant home with its beautiful view of the Seine River.

My version will be based on the 1750 plan as originally championed by the Marquise and though it will be simplified for Second Life (I’ve learned more than a few lessons from my never-ending building journey with the Petit Trianon ) I hope it will evoke some of the atmosphere of the original.

More details to follow.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for some fascinating reading check out Between Worlds: The Biography of Madame de Pompadour's Boudoir Turc a “biographical account of her Turkish  boudoir  at Bellevue examines its implications of personal and private life, class and gender, and the role of exoticism in eighteenth-century architectural interiors“.


Image: The Château de Bellevue, in the time of  Madame de Pompadour , from the courtyard to the west on Wikipedia

Originally posted as Beautiful View.

Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Jun 2024 02:23:17PM
1,919 posts

[AoR] Security & Permissions Explained

AoR Resources

Here’s a quick explanation of the workings of AoR security and permissions.

AoR objects can only be used by AoR players.  The first thing that any AoR object does when activated (rezzed, touched, sat on) by an avatar is to verify that avatar is a registered player of the AoR system. 

If the avatar is not a registered player, they will likely receive the message “Sorry, this crafter/product is exclusive to Age of Reason members”.


When an AoR player owns an AoR object they often have the ability to set the permissions for that object as follows:               

  • Public – any AoR player can interact with the object.
  • Group – any AoR player that is in the same Second Life group as the object can interact with the object.
  • Community – any AoR player that is in the same Community as the object/owner can interact with the object.
  • Owner – only the owner can interact with the object.

Owners of harvesters (grain fields, trees, etc.) may assign individual workers to interact with their harvesters. These workers must be AoR players for the interaction to succeed.


When rezzed, an AoR object will have default permissions. 

For example, barrels and cheeseboxes default to Community.  Everyone in the Queen’s Hamlet Community can use Tatiana’s cheeseboxes unless Tatiana changes the permissions through the Security Menu.  This means that nefarious cheese thieves, should they exist in the Queen’s Hamlet Community, could also steal Tat’s cheese if she is lax on security!

For meals, the default is Public.  Any AoR player may help themselves to a portion of the meal unless the owner changes the permissions.  If you have rezzed a big bowl of Risotto that you intend to eat all by yourself, it may be prudent to change the permission to Owner. 

Where applicable, the level of security is displayed in the menu presented when the object is activated.  Only the owner has access to the security function allowing them to change settings.


Security is an important component of our roleplay, shielding us from silly mistakes (ask me about those AES wheat fields) and malicious intentions (don’t get me started on this).  Done well, it works behind the scenes enhancing our play without us even realizing it.

Tatiana Dokuchic
14 Jun 2024 04:15:01AM
1,919 posts

[AoR] News ~ June 14, 2024

News & Events

Tat trudges in from her garden, tosses her shovel into the corner, takes off her muddy boots and takes up her pen to share the latest news …



A warm welcome back to Jeni who is making her home in the Campania area of Rocca Sorrentina.


Household Challenge (HHC)

Summer Serendipity has joined the challenge and has already put several points on the board including the June Challenge.  Congratulations!

Speaking of which, the June Challenge is progressing nicely with many a bottle of Apple Brandy being consumed along the way. 

[AoR] Household Management Challenge - Age Of Reason |


Buying in Bulk

If anyone is interested in selling Bulk Butter (80 units) please contact Tat and I will set up the Packer to make that possible.


Brand-new Culinary Delights

Nothing new to report though rumour has it that two new fish dishes may be in the works.


The Big Cheese

Having recently become a Master of Cheesemaking, Tat can now officially be addressed as “The Big Cheese” or “Duchesse du Grand Fromage” 😉.  Fortunately, this pairs nicely with her other master trade of Winemaking!


Restart Tuesdays

A necessary evil, Restart Tuesdays often put a crimp in our AoR schedules.  On the bright side, I am please to report that any items harvested or crafted during the down time are being delivered as soon as the region (Provence Coeur) returns to working order.  Thanks to Thomas (Delos) for testing this out so thoroughly!


Sleeping Beauty Syndrome

Many of us have suffered from “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” at one time or another.  No Health, no Energy, no Hunger, and no Prince(ss) in sight to save us.  Even though you are paralyzed with inaction here are the steps you can take to get yourself back on your feet:

  • Detach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • Contact Tat who will wave her magic wand, restoring your lifeforce and returning you to consciousness.
  • When you get the go ahead, reattach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • The Meter will show red for some time after being reattached but will green up within 5 minutes.
  • Enjoy your new lease on life!

[AoR] HUD & Meter


Summer Sales by Summer Serendipity



Catering and Food Service

(Summer Serendipity, Proprietor)

*** Featuring delicious meals and side dishes of all types.

*** Catering for special events via advance orders

*** Bulk orders are welcomed.

*** SPECIAL ORDERS of complex gourmet dishes may be arranged.  (Leave the cooking to us!)

Browse our selections at our food service carte located in QH (AoR) MARKET



If you have any stories, photos, achievements etc. that you would like to share with the community please send them to me for inclusion in the next newsletter.



Tatiana Dokuchic
12 Jun 2024 01:44:07PM
1,919 posts

[AoR] HUD & Meter

AoR Resources

Sleeping Beauty Syndrome

Many of us have suffered from “Sleeping Beauty Syndrome” at one time or another.  No Health, no Energy, no Hunger, and no Prince(ss) in sight to save us.  Even though you are paralyzed with inaction here are the steps you can take to get yourself back on your feet:

  • Detach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • Contact Tat who will wave her magic wand, restoring your lifeforce and returning you to consciousness.
  • When you get the go ahead, reattach your [AoR] HUD & Meter.
  • The Meter will show red for some time after being reattached but will green up within 5 minutes.
  • Enjoy your new lease on life!