Age of Reason
Avatar: TatianaDokuchic Varriale
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[AoR] There's a new NPC in Town

Tatiana Dokuchic
4 years ago
1,919 posts

AoR Helene.png

In order to tidy up the Queen's Hamlet Market area and make more space for merchants to sell their wares, Myriam has trained a merchant assistant, Helene.  Rather than buying Harvesters (e.g., plants), Crafters (e.g., tools for cooking and wells), and Tools (e.g., personal vendors, labelling tools, and HUDs + Meters) from separate AoR vendors, stroll over to the spot where you used to buy these things and talk to Helene.  Her prices are the same as those you are used to paying for the items she sells. You'll notice that a few of the newer AoR items are still for sale individually at her booth.

Please note that there is a 30 second delay from the time Helene sends the item to the time she is ready for a new request.  Imagine her running to the stock room and running back (actually it's a LL imposed throttle to prevent spamming).

Here is Helene's current price list for the things she sells:

Carrot patch c: 50 coins/unit
Compost bin c: 50 coins/unit
Hen 01 c: 50 coins/unit
Hen 03  c: 50 coins/unit
Herb pot c: 50 coins/unit
Lavender plant c: 50 coins/unit
Onion patch c: 50 coins/unit
Potato patch c: 50 coins/unit
Strawberry patch c: 50 coins/unit
Sugar beet patch c: 50 coins/unit
Tomato patch c: 50 coins/unit

Butter churn c: 50 coins/unit
Cast iron pot c: 50 coins/unit
Cast iron roaster c: 50 coins/unit
Cast iron skillet c: 50 coins/unit
Dough maker c: 50 coins/unit
Kettle c: 50 coins/unit
Oven c: 50 coins/unit
Pastry maker c: 50 coins/unit
Stove c: 50 coins/unit
Well c: 50 coins/unit

Hud c: 0 coins/unit
Meter c: 0 coins/unit
Labelling tool c: 50 coins/unit
Personal vendor c: 50 coins/unit

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 02 Nov 2021 05:01:55AM