Charles Juste, Prince de Beauveau et Craon
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1760: The old king of Two Siciles takes the power in Spain. Little biographical notice.

user image 2011-03-05
By: Prince de Craon
Posted in:


With forty-four years old, the king Carlos III left Naples after abdicate in his son Ferdinando, a little child of six years old. Carlos leaves the Kingdom wich shall be governed by the skilfull tuscan Marquis of Tanucci, President of the Regency Council. Tanucci will be a good servant of his lord, because Carlos -being king of Spain- will send instructions to Tanucci about the most minimal napoletan affairs in long mensual letters.

225_blogs.jpg "Departure of Carlos III, by Antonio Joli"

With tears in his eyes, the napoletan people said good bye to his king, symbol of independence and good governance, and a large spanish fleet took the Royal Family to Barcelona. There, was discovered a conspiration to poison Carlos. That is no new in his life, he is a survivor: In 1734 was discovered in Naples a terrible conspiration to poison the young Carlos, later, after being crowned in Sicily, his carriage plunged into a river and Carlos was rescued "in extremis" by his coachman. The episode of Barcelona was not a good welcome. The old spanish nobility have problems for contains his nerves with the curriculum of Carlos as political reformer, the poisoning is only a little evidence of this.

For travel to Madrid, was necessary the temporal requisition of a great number of carriages and carts for transporting the Royal Family, the Court, and his goods. The jouney was really long -the stay in Zaragoza was like a cold prison for Carlos- and the arrival to Madrid meant a necessary rest. However, the eyes of the king Carlos were irritated overlooking the city: called "The Pigsty of Europe", Madrid is a dirty, poorly urbanized, and dangerous capital. Of course would imperative design a new -and illustrated- Madrid, butmeanwhile was better live in the many great palaces situated around the city. San Ildefonso would the best election...

A little profile:


Carlos III, with his forty-four years old, have his face scorched as consecuence of his obsession: the daily hunting. At first glance, he is ugly and scary, but seen close, h is face conquest the people by the kindness of his eyes. B eing very thin , is robust, and despite his short stature, Carlos inspires respect.

The character of the king is rigid but benevolent, greets everyone , including lower -class servers, he hates the lies and hypocrisies, is known in all Europe for keep his word: treatises of Carlos are unalterable.


Carlos is very religious -a great catholic-, devoted to his family, and a lover of his wife , Maria Amalia of Saxony. In company of the Queen, Carlos III smokes his cuban cigars and comments gossips about his own courtiers.

Everyone criticizes the three defects of Carlos: He uses italian ministers to govern in Spain, the etern hunting, and the passion for building or "the disease of stone". But Carlos compensates the criticism with constant work of governement.

Carlos III is considered an enlightened, but he was more practical than theoretical. Is not a man of great reads , but believes that innovations are vital to the survival of a people: and he -and his italian ministers- has come to reform .

An important detail: Carlos III is too routine , he feels bad if arrive before or after of the appointed time , he hates wearing clothes flashy , always using the same - in absece of the King, his servants changes their clothes worn by some new regularly- and his employees of governement are always the same persons. Carlos III is a clock!


"The older Carlos III, by Goya, with his simple clothes of everydays"


FERNN NEZ, Conde de: "Vida de Carlos III", Madrid, 1788.

VOLTES, Pedro: "Carlos III y su Tiempo", Madrid, 1975.

DOMNGUEZ ORTIZ, Antonio: "Carlos III y la Espaa de la Ilustracin" (1988)

Webgraphy: [03/06=2011 1:20 AM]

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
06 Mar 2011 04:23:49AM @anne-comtesse-de-noailles:
Viva el rey!
Lady Hartfield
07 Mar 2011 04:30:40PM @lady-hartfield:
Charles III was one of the great kings of the 18thC, in my opinion combining the best of Catholic culture with an enlightened, humane spirit. His mother, Elisabeth Farnese, managed by diplomatic maneuvering (to say it nicely!) to secure the throne of the Two Sicilies for him, but once he was crowned, he showed himself his own man. He improved the economic condition of both his kingdoms, both overall and for his subjects, while beautifying the cities. At this crucial point in time, having done so much in Naples with his minister Tanucci, he arrives in Madrid with so much still ahead of him. A rococo "renaissance" man - viva el rey, verdadamente!!
Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
09 Mar 2011 09:15:19PM @marie-adelina-de-la-ferriere:
He was also the brother to Mariana Victoria, Queen Dowager of Portugal and mother of Maria I of Portugal
Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
17 Mar 2011 10:27:48AM @capacitatodd-principe-dimelioria:

My family lived well and prospered under his reign and hold a dear close friendship with their Royal Highness Ferdinand and Maria Carolina.I have always been in awe of the skill in which he balanced adangerous equaibrium by partnering Bourbon Habsburg interestsand Napoli's well being with the relentless hunger ofthe Vatican's need to save our soulsby controlling our worldly goods.