Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
Avatar: Nimue Brezoianu
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Location: Venezia
Country: IT
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"Return to Sorentina" - Part 1

user image 2013-09-26
By: Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
Posted in:

Meanwhile back at Ravenna....

Devi had been kicking her heels for many days in Ravena, waiting anxiously for Achille to arrive. Sior Gandt had left immediately upon their arrival in Ravena, for his overland ride to Roma. She had felt relieved to see him go, but also had grave doubts. She pretty much expected him to disappear, and a good bit of work they had done for the Conte and the Professore would be utterly wasted.

But for now all she could do was to wait for Achille to show up from Venezia. She had even had time to visit the famous mosaics and admire the tomb of Galla Placidia. She smiled in spite of herself. It would be nice to spend some time with Achille...just her and the handsome tavern keeper, on one of the Conte's ships, heading down to Sicily and then up the other side of the peninsula to Rocca would be very nice, she dreamed.

As she continued her daily tour of the portshe noted that yet another ship had arrived in the harbour at Ravenna ...the harbour master said that yes, this indeed was a ship from Venezia...and sure enough after she was tied up at the wharf, and the gangway set up, she could see a familiar figure among the disembarking passengers. Devis heart did a little somersault!


Yes, there was Achille...he was coming down the gangway from the tall-sided merchantman...but his expression seemed a bit odd...slightly strained...

Devi moved towards him as quickly as she could, and then noticed he was not alone. Devis expressionbecame one of horror and surprise as she recognisedSior Francesco and Saturnines following Achille down the gangway.She looked at Achille raising her eyebrows questioningly. He responded with a weary look.


Where did you find THEM!!? she whispered to Achille as she watched them slowly make their way down the gangway.

Achille coughed They found seems the Contes father, Sior Francesco has a wish to take a holiday at Rocca Sorentina and introduce his new wife to his son.

His Wife!!!! it was then that Devi noticed a young woman following the men down the gangway.

Achille gave Devi a look that spoke volumes, and from their exchanged expressions she knew that he would explain everything later in detail, meanwhile all he just said You know them?

Yes, I have known Sior Francesco since I was a girl, and Saturnines also. I have not met the....errr...young lady. Devi quickly whispered back.

Sior Francesco smiled a broad smile as he stepped onto the paving stones of the port.

Ahhh but its good to have ones feet on terra firma. I may be Venetian but I dont like big ships....ahhh but is that my little Devi I see? Come and give your Granpa Foscari a big hug!


Devi had no choice but to let herself be embraced. Out of the corner of one eye she quickly looked the Wife over, then she noticed Achille making a Lets get this party on-board the ship to Sorentina as quickly as possible gesture, and gently disengaged herself from the old gentlemans grasp.

So my little Devi, you must tell me all about what you have been up to, since I last saw you. Are you married yet? Has Donna Augostina succeeded in marrying you off to one of your cousins? Or are you holding out for someone else? You are, arent you...I can see it in your face Sior Francesco continued with a knowing chuckle.

Devi could feel herself going the colour of a Napolitan Pomodoro, and had to put effort into resisting the temptation to impale Old Granpa Foscari on his own walking stick. Instead she smiled as sweetly as she could, as dreams of days alone with Achille on the ship to Sorentina faded.

Lady Leena Fandango
05 Oct 2013 06:04:11AM @lady-leena-fandango:

It shall be very interesting indeed to see the reaction of the Conte Filippe on Sorrentina when the elder Conte Francesco brings his young wife to the island to meet him. I hope that Devi realizes her dreams with Achille, or is she still shocked herself about meeting the new young wife? :))

Aldo Stern
06 Oct 2013 09:08:04AM @aldo-stern:

Yes, Donna Leena, it will be interesting. Though I must confess that on some level, the entire family has an element of unpredictability...I would not be surprised if the Conte's reaction surprises us in some way.