Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
Avatar: Nimue Brezoianu
VW: Second Life

Location: Venezia
Country: IT
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ESCAPE FROM THE SINTI CAMP – interlude – part 1

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-09-12


Elena had never been the sort of person to just sit around and brood, so after Achille and Devi had left she had put her annoyance aside and fallen into the familiar Rhythm of life at the Camp.

Donna Augostina, Devi's grandmother, had been teaching both girls her knowledge of medicinal plants since they had been old enough to be sent out to collect them, and now Augostina had been delighted to resume teaching Elena.

And so the summer months had passed peacefully enough for Elena. Her time was spent helping Donna Augostina to prepare her remedies, and administering them to those in need. But the winds were beginning to change, Elena could smell the autumn in the air. She had received no messages or instructions from her father, but she knew where he wanted her to be for the winter. Besides she was beginning to feel restless so it was time to move on back to civilization. Donna Augostina would understand, as she understood most things, and so, Elena made her careful preparations, and when she was ready she set her plan in motion.


How poor Ezrah would react, Elena could only guess, as she watched him play his flute for her that evening. He had drunk the mug of spiced beer, with that little something extra in it, she had given him earlier. She hoped he would eventually forgive her and understand. She was pretty sure that if the shoe had been on the other foot Ezrah would do the same, and meanwhile he'd have some lovely dreams, she thought with a giggle, as she made her way carefully towards the horses.


Elena gloried in the sense of total liberation she felt as she rode through forest in the darkness of the night. It was rare for her to be so free and alone. Her Father had always indulged the adventurous side of her nature. He seemed to understand her need to travel, and had sent her on missions to most of the European courts. He, had however always known where she was, and she had always had one of the household retainers or Devi with her. This reminded her more of those times she had escaped from Versailles to Paris, without telling Devi, but had gone alone dressed as a peasant girl, and mingled with the early morning traffic of early morning market traders.


As the sun began to rise over the mountain landscape, Elena felt that she had made enough progress, and put enough distance between herself and the camp, to be able to safely stop and rest the horse, have a bite to eat from the provisions she had brought with her, and make her transformation.

( with thanks to the Misty Mountain Sim, part of CALAS GALADHON PARK )

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"Return to Venezia - part 41.....Mercury boards the ship

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-08-29


Mercury felt very satisfied when he reached the ship, docked in the Giudecca Canal. He had his papers, as promised from the Sbirri, and they had even given him another bag of coins to cover his expenses on the journey, which he thought was only fair. He was after all, technically working for them. This had proved very useful when he tried to dismiss his footman and found that he had to pay him, before he would leave. There was, however plenty left, so things were beginning to look hopeful once more.

Dawn was just breaking as he boarded the ship. He had expected to find Achille waiting for him, but saw only Devi staring wistfully across the water. As he approached her she stiffened and turned towards him.


Devi stared across the Giudecca canal and thought of Achille. How she wished he was here, but he had things to take care off and had given her the unpleasant job of escorting Sior Gandt safely to Ravenna, where he could begin his journey across the Papal states to Rome and with some luck be attacked by Bandits. How she disliked him! His arrogant smugness, his disrespectful familiarity, treating her like some scullery maid. How she longed to set him straight! But she had promised Achille that she would deliver him safely to Ravenna, and that is what she would do, although it would mean putting up with his repulsive presence for a while longer.

She heard someone behind her and turned to see Mercury walking towards her, his usual smug smile playing on his lips.

Good morning Sior Gandt Devi forces herself to say through gritted teeth.

Noticing her discomfort Mercury chuckles to himself and returns her greeting No Achille? I thought you two were joined at the hip.

I am to give you the following message, Sior Gandt. Achille had some business to complete and will join us later at Ravenna. He has asked me to give you this Devi hands Mercury a piece of paper. It gives you the address where you can find your next contact when you reach Rome.


Oh so its just you and me, traveling to Ravenna on this ship? How very pleasant. Mercury tries to pinch her cheek, she angrily brushes his hand away.

That should be plenty of time for you and I to get to know each other better Mercury continues with a grin. So where is Elena?

Somewhere quite safe from the likes of you

Mercury tries to grab her by the waist and Devi loses control and slaps him.

Don't touch me you barbarian!! You traitor!

The passion in your voice as you say that, makes me think you wouldn't mind.

Try that again and you will singing with the Castratti! Devi gets her stiletto out.


Okay, another time, when you are less exited Mercury steps away but still smiles.

You canal scum!

Give my warmest regards to your Mistress and tell her I shall never forget her betrayal.

What betrayal?

She lied to me when she said she was going to the convent to visit a friend, you silly girl.

She never betrayed you, used you a little perhaps, but it was necessary.

Oh off course Merury waves sarcastically.

I still think it would be far simpler to push you into the canal, but Achille has his orders. In my opinion they are all making a mistake placing their faith in you. I think you are a treacherous worm, but for some reason Don Aldo and the Conte are interested in you. God only knows why!

You are wrong, I am a fair gambler and I keep my word Mercury responds, his smile dissolving from his face.

Oh like when you sell those who have helped you to the Sbirri because of your hurt pride.

Mercury says nothing, knowing this to be true.

So Elena and I played a trick on you, how were we to know that you would be attacked? Elena is distraught about it.... Devi realizes that she has said too much and changes tact. But up till then she paid your passage on the ship from Sorrentina, then she housed and fed you while you found your way around Venice, and all you could think about was what was in it for you if you managed to seduce her, and don't try to deny it, I saw it in your eyes even if she didn't. I know your kind!

I don't deny anything says Mercury smiling once more

Being honest for once? Devi spits with contempt.

I am always honest. I never pretend to be better than I am. So...she thinks about me, huh? Mercury grins.

I never said that. Why would she?

Oh but you just did, a small hint.

I am sure she has forgotten all about you. She was just a bit concerned when she heard you had been attacked.

No I don' believe you, I can see it in your eyes, she thinks about me, Mercury grins She dreams of me....I still have hopes to seduce her....and now I shall go and have a nap. Don't forget to wake me when we arrive in Ravenna. Mercury strolls away laughing.

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Return to Venezia - part 36

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-07-29

........Dawn was just breaking as Devi slipped out of the taverna where she and Achille were staying. She closed the door gently, wrapped her shawl around her shoulders and set off through the quiet Calle, which the rising sun was tinting with morning pink.

Devi smiled to herself as she thought of Achille. She thought of how well they had been able to work together during their mission, of how easy he was to get along with, of his calm confidence. She thought of his eyes. Of his hair. Then her smile turned to a frown as she hurried along, he still hadn't moved their relationship along. She felt sure that he felt something for her, that maybe he felt the same. Yet he continued to show her nothing more than the respectful attentions of a traveling companion and was driving her crazy.

Without realizing it Devi arrived at the Rialto bridge, where she knew she would probably find Fiorino and his friends. She climbed the steps towards the top of the bridge, quite empty at this hour but soon to be crowded with morning traffic. At the top of the bridge she was able to scan the surrounding area, and sure enough she spied Fiorino and the other boys hanging around the fishermen who were unloading their catch for the market. Often they would let the boys help, in return for a Zechino or a fish.

She called out and when Fiorino turned, she signaled to him to join her at the top of the bridge, which he quickly did.

691_blogs.jpg?width=750 They both smiled and greeted one another warmly.

Fiorino, Thank you for your help with last night.

Did it go well? Fiorino asked, looking hopeful.

Yes, thankfully, it turned out the way Achille had intended. He and I will be able to get Sior Gandt out of Venice, and accompany him back to Sorentino. But we could not have done it without your assistance. Neither of us was in a position to approach him without attracting the attention of the Sbirri, so we couldn't have been able to talk to him. without you leading him to us.

Fiorino nodded. "I did not wish to deceive him, but then it was not really stretching the truth too much to persuade him to follow me by telling him I knew someone woo had information about the Contessa. After all, I really WAS taking him to someone who had that information. I am glad it did arouse his curiosity without me having to actually tell any untruths.

Yes, I knew I could count on you, Devi smiled.

I am happy to have been of service. But I have a favour to ask of you. I would like to send a message to the Contessa. Might that be possible? Could you arrange this for me?

This is no problem. You write the message and I will make sure the Contessa gets it.

But how will you be able to do it? Fiorino's curiosity getting the better of him.

Devi tapped the side of her nose with her finger and smiled.

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you.

Fiorino said he understood and laughed.

And now I must return, before it gets too crowded here and I am seen," said Devi. Bring your letter to the old tavern later on... I will send it to the Contessa. Oh, and one last thing. We will be leaving for Sorentina by ship. Do you and the other boys want to come with us? There will be room. Think about it, will you?

Fio nodded and then bowed. Devi wrapped her shawl around herself and hurried down the steps of the bridge and disappeared into the morning crowd.

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"Return to Venezia" Part 28 - Achille's thoughts (by Aldo Stern)

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-04-28

Achille had been having a splendid time in the Sinti camp.

To be honest, as much as he respected and liked the Padrone, it was nice to not be on some errand or other for him. The Padrone was a humane and decent guy, but you know, sometimes he became so caught up in what he was doing ransoming some poor soul from the Barbary Corsairs, smuggling some stray member of the Company away from hostile authorities, whatever -- that he seemed to forget that the people who worked for him actually had lives of their own. Yes, if need be, Achille would go to the ends of the earth and fight the very demons of hell if il Professore asked him tobut it certainly was pleasant having a little break now and then. And it didnt hurt being away from Lizabetta either. The way she scolded and harangued him, youd think she was married to Achille, rather than working for him. Madona Mia! That girl has a tongue like a rapier. May the Holy Saints preserve any poor fellow who does marry her someday!


So Achille had to admit it was nice sitting around in the Sinti camp here in the mountains and playing music while la Contessa and Devi sorted out whatever it was they were sorting out. Achille and the musicians among the Sinti men had become great friends. They had been teaching him many of their songs, and he had been showing them a lot of Boccherini and Vivaldi

As the players finished the Sinti love song they had been wending their way through, Achille looked at the one who was called Samru, who in turn looked at his brother Jakob. Samru was the man who had originally loaned Achille a guitar on that first night that he and Devi had been in the camp. Samru was the outgoing one: Jakob played violinhe didnt talk much. But he could play that violin like nobodys business!

Jakob shrugged, and Samru, grinning, began slowly and softly playing some familiar chords. Achille smiled as he and Jakob started playing along.

La Follia! shouted their cousin Micaela, as she dug out her castanets from a pouch by the log she was sitting on. Achilles smile broadened into a grin that matched Samrus. Almost every country, every people had some version of La Follia .as did different composers, from Handel, to Vivialdi. Achille had played the Vivialdi and Corelli versions for the brothers and they had gotten some new ideas that they had meshed into their own versions of the ancient melody. Now the growing group around the fire worked through one variation after another: first low and gentle, then grand and statelyeventually picking up speed, and adding more and more embellishments in what to Achilles ear sounded like a Spanish tradition, music that spilled into the night with a glorious ferocityand an edge of painthe pain that you only understand if you have lived life fully and well, and which only musicians and poets seem to be able to truly express.

Micaela was now up and dancing, as her castanets clattered in precise staccato bursts, perfectly matched along with the swelling chords as they accelerated

Suddenly, as if by unspoken command, they all dropped back into a slow and majestic tempo, for one last repetition of the themethey were done with the songand they were done in a larger sense as well. As silence fell again and all that could be heard was the crackling of the fire, Achille slowly rose and walked over to Samru. He handed the guitar back to the Sinti man.

Mille grazie.

Samru simply nodded. He had not regretted loaning an instrument to this Gadjo from the south, this man whose fingers could make a guitar sing with such complexity, such fire.

Then he sighed.

Time you must leave soon, eh?

Achille looked thoughtful for a moment, and then glanced back at Devi.

Yes, my friend. It is time. There is work to be done in Venezia.

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"Return to Venezia" Part 27 - Devi's thoughts

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-04-28

The week that Devi and Achille spent at the Sinti camp in the mountains had passed very quickly. Now there they were again, once more gathered around the fire

Yes, only a week had passed, but in some ways it actually seemed like they had been in the Sinti camp forever, as if Devi and Elena had never left to go to Venezia, back when they were girls. There was an easy familiarity to being in the campthe pace of life, the sights, and smellsand the sounds, especially the music. At the same time, there was something different about the music being played in camp by the end of the week.Devi knew it was because of Achille: it was a little surprising how quickly he had been accepted into the group of musicians within the clan, and had picked up a good bit of their music and their way of playingbut he had also introduced an element ofsomething else.

The music in the camp had a new complexity and richness to it. It still had the passion and flair of her people, but there were new melodies, new patternspieces that Achilles playing had added to the mixture. Now it was evening, and once again the clans musicians had gathered around the fire with their new friend, the Gadjo from the south. Others were drawn there as well, including Devi.and on the other side of the circle of light made by the fire, Elena.

In an attempt not to look at the back of Achilles head, while he strummed his guitar, Devi stared into the fire. The fire held no answers as it sometimes did. Nor did the flickering fames calm her.

Devi had never felt like this, and found herself flushing as she caught her eyes straying once more towards Achille..

Devi had always known she was pretty. She knew she wasnt beautiful like her mother had been, but she knew she had that Something that made men stare at her with expressions of gormless stupidity. But not this man, not Achille! He had shown her the upmost courtesy, but nothing more. He had not looked at her!

She picked up a stick and poked the fire, fixing her eyes on the flames.

For the first time in her life she felt confused, and that was most unusual for her. Devi never felt confused. Just for once she felt a need to confide and ask advice. But whom could she turn to? Her mother had died giving birth to her, and she had no sisters. Devi gazed at Elena, sulking on the other side of the fire. Elena was the closest thing she had to a sister, but obviously it was no use asking her advice, she was far too angry. Anyway Elena had not seemed at all affected by Achille. She had barely glanced at him when he delivered the message from the Conte.

Devi considered confiding her feelings in Nonna Agostina , who had brought her and her six brothers up after the death of their mother, but she knew Nonna would disapprove.

Nonna had her own agenda. She wanted Devi to marry a clan member, one of her many cousins, and to settle down and have children, and stop travelling around with Elena, pretending to be her maid. Nonna disapproved of this. She felt it was demeaning given Devis position in the clan. The Clan meant everything to Nonna, and Achille wasnt Clan.

Anyway Achille wasnt looking at her but seemed totally lost in his music.


Devi glanced again at Elena, and thought how their lives had been intertwined since they had first met as little girls, when the Conte had first brought Elena to the Clan for safety. At first Elena hadnt even been able to speak Italian, but she had quickly learnt as the girls became inseparable friends. To Devi, Elena had become the sister she didnt have, and god knows she had plenty of brothers.

Almost a year had passed before the Conte had returned to fetch Elena, and Devi had begged to be allowed to go with her. The Conte had promised her father that she would receive the same education as Elena, and to her delight her father had agreed, thinking it would be beneficial for his daughter to see the world beyond their mountain home, and everyone knew that Venice was the World.


And Venice had not disappointed her! She had been dazzled as they arrived at dusk with all the lights making the city shimmer in the water like a city of jewels.

The same cannot be said about the convent!!!

They had both loathed the convent. The Nuns, the rules, the endless prayers and their hypocrisy!

They had quickly found ways to escape their supervision, and had spent many an afternoon, when the Nuns were too busy preparing for the evenings entertainments, roaming the Calle and exploring the city. Elena knew no more about Venice than she did, so it had been an adventure of discovery for both of them.

Most of the time they got away with their outings, but sometimes they were caught and then they would be punished. Elena would have to pray on her knees for hours. She was, after all, a noblemans daughter, so the Nuns wouldnt beat her. The Nuns had no such scruples about Devi and were determined to beat the wilfulness out of her, which of course had not worked! Devi grinned to herself as she poked the fire with her stick.

Several years had passed in this way, and along the way both of them had even absorbed some education, but eventually as they neared womanhood, Elena had been recalled to her family home, and of course Devi went with her. They were collected by servants and brought to the Malcontenta, where they were presented to Elenas paternal grandmother, Donna Elizabetta.

Even Devi had felt subdued in the presence of this Signora, re-splendid and elegant in her afternoon gown, glittering with jewels. And she had been cross, very cross indeed! The Nuns had been very thorough in their reports.

Donna Elizabetta had decided that Elena should go to the French court, at Versailles, and serve as a lady-in-waiting, under the supervision of the Contesse de Noailles, an old friend of hers. She would live in the dormitory with the other young daughters of the nobility, and Devi would go with her as her personal maid. The rest of the interview was loaded with threats of what would happen to them if they disgraced themselves in any way, but neither of them had listened beyong the word Versailles!!!!

Versailles! All the girls at the convent talked of this magical place, and now they were going to be part of it!

So, filled with excitement and dreams they had driven off in the Contes carriage.

How disappointed they had both been!!!!

Once the initial magnificence of the Palace and its grounds had worn off, they had found court life dull and difficult.

Elena was just an unknown Venetian Contessa, with looks too dark to be fashionable and far too young to attend any important functions. As for Devi, the French servants had despised her for her origins. Well the girls had. With the boys it had been a different matter. It was at Versailles that Devi had become fully aware that she had that certain something. Every young male in service and several young noblemen had tried in vain to court her favours, bringing her sweetmeats, posies and all manners of gifts. She had accepted their offerings, but none had impressed her beyond amusement.

It was Elena who had first suggested they should sneak out and go to Paris. They could get a ride at dawn and back again by dusk with the laundry carts. No one would miss them, and if they did, they wouldnt care. So, dressed as serving girls, they had gone. What an adventure they had had! They had walked the streets, eating from the food stalls, and absorbing the atmosphere of Paris. The dirt and the poverty, the grand Hotels of the nobility, the fancy monogramed carriages. The air had been electric with discontent and resentment, with energy and life.


They had repeated their outings several times before Elena had spoilt things by falling in love with some English, revolutionary poet. He was supposed to be a student at the Sorbonne University, but seemed intent on spending his allowance printing pamphlets satirising the young Queen.

Of course they had been discovered, and Devi had been blamed as a bad influence. Elena was packed off to the Swedish court at Drottingholm, considered by the Conte to be less racy than Versailles, and she had been sent back to the mountains, to drag her heels under the watchful eye of Nonna.

After some years Elena had returned to Venice, and Devi had been allowed to join her, but it had been a different Elena to the friend she had known. Elena had become a restless soul, busying herself with the affairs of the estate, and her obsession with organising apprenticeships for the Orphans of Venice. Something had happened in Sweden to change Elena, but she wasnt telling anyone, not even Devi. Elena still travelled. On Family business she said, She didnt often take Devi with her but at least Devi didnt have to return to the mountains and Nonnas endless attempts at matchmaking. When Elena went on one of her trips, she could drag her heels at one of the Foscari houses.

So here they were. All because Elena couldnt resist picking up lame ducks, like that Mercury. It was unfortunate he had been beaten up, but he had survived and he probably deserved it for other reasons, so what was the problem? There was no reason for Elena to feel so responsible. It had been obvious from the start that Signor Gandt was on the make. Devi couldnt understand why Elena couldnt see what an opportunist he was.

On the morrow she would travel with Achille back to Venice, to see what was happening and gather information, and Elena would stay here. Devi stole a glance at Achille, and wondered if she should ask him what time he wanted to leave, even though she already knew the answer. It would be an excuse to make him talk to her and look at her. She poked the fire angrily and decided not to ask.

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Return to Venezia - Part 18

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2013-01-01

The Sinti Camp in the mountains.


Elena wrapped her cloak around herself and stared into the night. She remembered how the English Baron had stormed back in to the Villa, leaving her alone in the gardens.

She was sorry for his anger, but mostly she felt relief that matters between them had now been clarified. He had been a charming and amusing companion, but honestly!!!

A Girl dances a few dances with a fellow, at some public balls, and he starts acting as if they were engaged!

Far better to nip such presumptions in the bud!

He claimed he had written letters to her. She had certainly not received any letters but then men say all sorts of things in order to gain a ladys favour....

Devi joins Elena by the fire...

Please tell me you are not still thinking about that English Baron! She explains impatiently

As it happens I was


Forget about him! He will get over you as quickly as he changes a shirt and find someone else. His sort always does.Devi continues in an irritated tone. Instead listen to me; we have far more serious concerns. Achille has made his way here.

Elena straightens up and pays attention.

Achille has brought messages from Rocca Sorentina and news from Venezia Devi continues

I shall go and speak to him, what are the news from Venezia? Elena asks

Well... Devi pauses for effect You remember how we left Sior Gandt waiting outside the convent like a lemon?

Elena nods and giggles.

Well, it would seem that when he finally gave up his vigil, and was making his way back to the embarcadero to get a Gondola, he was viciously attacked, and badly beaten!

But this is terrible! Elena looks horrified Poor man! I shall have to go back and see that he is all right, I feel so responsible. Was it Brigands for his purse?

Absolutely not! You are not to go anywhere! Your fathers orders are very clear. You are to stay here until further orders are received.


No Buts! Achille says that despite being very badly beaten, Sior Gandt managed to make his way to his friend, the Cortigiana, the one who calls herself Countess, where he is recovering well. Devi continues with authority It is believed that it was not Brigands. His purse was not stolen. Your father and the Proffesore are already working on plans to get Sior Gandt safely out of Venezia and back to Rocca Sorentina. What they dont need is to be worrying about you riding around the country on some misguided mission!Devi says angrily Instead you will stay here! And in case you get any ideas while I am away, I shall have Ezeriah watch you.

Where are you going? Asks Elena


Speak with Achille Devi throws back her head and shakes her curls, her irritation forgotten she smiles He is waiting to give you messages from your father. Achille will explain everything.

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Return to Venezia - Interlude 3 - Memories

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2012-12-06


It was late afternoon and the Conte was catching up with hiscorrespondence when noisescomingfrom the harbour attracted hisattention.


Going out on the terrace, he gazed down and observed with amusement how smoothly the Professore's Men distract the custom officials from Naples, while the sailors calmly unload the cannon under their very noses.

It had pleased him to help the Professore in this matter, although he was curious as to why the Professore should want three cannon.

He liked the Professore. They had developed a warm rapport during the weeks he had been staying at the Villa on Rocca Sorentina. They were sailing different ships, but they were looking for the same Port.

It had also given him an opportunity to delay the delivery of the shipment to the Empress, thus , perhaps, in some small way delaying her intended war against the Turks.

Back in 1757, when his father had been appointed Ambassador toConstantinople he had taken his brother, Ferigo, and himself with him. Mostlikelythis was to make sure neither of them got involved with the 7 years war.

In total they had spent five years in Constantinople, and he had fallen in love with the city.


The Conte walked down to the Harbour, as he did every evening, and as he gazed at the the sun setting on the sea, he could still remember that special light as the sun set over theBosporus.

Ferigo was now Ambassador to StPetersburg, so they could not be seen supporting the Turks, for his sake.

The Conte stroked his friend, the harbour cat, as dusk settled over the island, and lost himself in memories and dreams of another time.....asveltesilhouette, a smile, laughter inthe dark....and those black eyes.

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Return to Venezia Part 10

By Contessa Elena Marina Foscari, 2012-07-19

....Next Morning......


Deep in thought Elena doesnt notice Mercury entering the Salotto, in the hope of sharing late morning coffee with her.


On becoming aware of his presence she smiles sweetly and asks him about his late night Gambling adventures. He seems to be doing well, and is wearing a new smart suit of clothing, and is looking quite the Venetian dandy. He also looks pale and tired.


As they sit and drink their coffee, Elena explains that she wishes to visit her dear school friend, Lugrezia Contarini at the Convent of Santa Caterina di Mazzorbo, and wonders if he would mind escorting her, as she is nervous of going out on her own, andbelievesshe is being watched.

She can see that he had other plans, but knows that as a gentleman, staying in her house, he has no real choice but to agree, which of course he does, while she smiles sweetly......

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