Dear Diary
Aquitaine 16th of March 1768
Dear Diary,
What a week it has been.... First of all... i am alive... I can hardly believe it. Destiny can be cruel, guess my time hasn't come yet.
It seemed my wounds where merely superficial. It was just the shock that kept me trembling all week. My infirmire told me several times i was behaving strange. I assured her i was alright, but she would not believe me.
Well... that was the strangest fight i was ever into. So many great friends came along to support. The Gypsies where roaring angry at the Masked Chevalier. Even the Duke and the Duchesses their selves where present. I never felt that honored in my entire life.
From the first round on i was aware this Chevalier Mystre was a Master Swordsman. He could have killed me easily. But i felt that he was just teasing me, merely testing out my skills. After the second round he surely made up his mind. I'm sure he had already found out i had nothing to do with his past. His attention weakened and i even could score some points...
He left me to live another day. And... He saved my honor and my proud. Indeed he controlled the situation completely but made it so i didn't made a complete fool out of myself. Whatever the others may say or think... deep inside he his is a very noble man in my opinion. In other circumstances we even could have become friends.
After the fight we had a little party at the Tavern. I was euphoric... For the first time in ages i actually felt the warmth of the sun on my skin again... I smelled the sweet delicate perfume of roses... I felt.... ALIVE !!!!
Rumors have reached me, this mysterious masked man is hiding deep in the Duchy woods. Hunters have seen a strange person running away. Bloodstains where found on a tree bark... I feel for him. When we where fighting i felt his loneliness, his bitterness. Hatred, focused on one man he is willing to find... and kill. I am certain if he ever finds his opponent, his death is inevitable...
I wished i could help him, heal the wounds in his mind, listen to his story and give him advise to temper his feelings.
I hope some day he comes to me for help. I wanna thank him for sparing me...
I am sentenced to live... but i feel... he is sentenced for life...
Dear Diary,
What a week it has been.... First of all... i am alive... I can hardly believe it. Destiny can be cruel, guess my time hasn't come yet.
It seemed my wounds where merely superficial. It was just the shock that kept me trembling all week. My infirmire told me several times i was behaving strange. I assured her i was alright, but she would not believe me.
Well... that was the strangest fight i was ever into. So many great friends came along to support. The Gypsies where roaring angry at the Masked Chevalier. Even the Duke and the Duchesses their selves where present. I never felt that honored in my entire life.
From the first round on i was aware this Chevalier Mystre was a Master Swordsman. He could have killed me easily. But i felt that he was just teasing me, merely testing out my skills. After the second round he surely made up his mind. I'm sure he had already found out i had nothing to do with his past. His attention weakened and i even could score some points...
He left me to live another day. And... He saved my honor and my proud. Indeed he controlled the situation completely but made it so i didn't made a complete fool out of myself. Whatever the others may say or think... deep inside he his is a very noble man in my opinion. In other circumstances we even could have become friends.
After the fight we had a little party at the Tavern. I was euphoric... For the first time in ages i actually felt the warmth of the sun on my skin again... I smelled the sweet delicate perfume of roses... I felt.... ALIVE !!!!
Rumors have reached me, this mysterious masked man is hiding deep in the Duchy woods. Hunters have seen a strange person running away. Bloodstains where found on a tree bark... I feel for him. When we where fighting i felt his loneliness, his bitterness. Hatred, focused on one man he is willing to find... and kill. I am certain if he ever finds his opponent, his death is inevitable...
I wished i could help him, heal the wounds in his mind, listen to his story and give him advise to temper his feelings.
I hope some day he comes to me for help. I wanna thank him for sparing me...
I am sentenced to live... but i feel... he is sentenced for life...
Waiting for the Chevalier Mystre....
The moment of truth...
Dear Dr Panacek, or please, let me say:Dear Pekel,Everyday you make me prouder to be your Friend.After all you endured from the Chevalier Mystere, I marvel at your reaction!It is so full of humanity, understanding, charity and compassion!You made me wonder how i would act in the same circumstances: We did not talk about it, but we probably have the same age, and were both commited in the Seven Years war, at the same time, though not on the same continent.We both have seen horrors, we both have lost the best of our friends.With the help of God, and the love of Lady Candace, i decided then to change my life and retired to Provence, to forget the Ordeal, and live a peaceful life. As Monsieur de Voltaire metaphorically says, to conclude his Candide: " If faut cultiver Notre Jardin." That's what i try to do now, and I henceforth only fence as a game ( in which i hope to cross swords with you soon:)).I am happy here, and at peace, but i can't help feeling some bitterness in the bottom of my heart, and, if i try to forget , i still cannot forgive.You are many steps ahead of me, Pekel, on the long road to wisdom...I was taught by my father that too much wisdom and understanding could be sensed as weakness: and now I don't know what to think...But let's stop brooding! We are both alive and well in the Duchy, where we are lucky to have so many good friends, drink good wine (i know, Beer for you...) , and enjoy the company of the the best and smartest Ladies there is!
Oh my ~ such soul-stirring recounting of the layers upon layers of emotion, introspection and instinct unveiled by both Doctor Panacek, and my Lord Myron, Cheri.Yes, destiny can be cruel and yes, we do .. also ... cultivate our own gardens.When all is said and done, it is ... simply ... what it is, and no more complicated than that.All we ever truly have is the moment - however fleeting it may be. Choose the sweet, over the bitter, before it slips away.Chevalier Mystere ... are you listening?