I told Stormy this would be the effect of drinking too much champagne...
And off course i tried to warn her NOT to mingle those mushrooms we found into our breakfast omelet...
18 May 2010 04:49:48AM @captain-sir-walter-gedenspire:
Ahem!Is it really necessary to draw public attention to the alcoholic afflictions of my future brother-in-law?Hope he makes it to the altar BEFORE passing out.Kindly be a little more discrete!Your doting brother,Gedenspire, Capitaine De La Garde
18 May 2010 06:57:35AM @lord-myron-de-verne:
I think my dear friend Doctor Pekel is not anymore in a condition to practice self-diagnosis...In my opinion, this pic shows him in an advanced state of HYPNONARCHIA, due -not to champagne or illicit produces-, but rather to a long and intense exposure to Stormy's warm and fiery Love...As to Stormy, I saw her drinking champagne sometimes, and it actually did not induce such a radiant smile:)))It's good to have friends like the two of you!
18 May 2010 06:04:32PM @captain-sir-walter-gedenspire:
Oh well put, My Lord Myron!Let Pekel off the champagne hook.Because, by Jove, he is well hooked, gaffed and salted down already by my tempestuous sister.Gedenspire
Ahem!Is it really necessary to draw public attention to the alcoholic afflictions of my future brother-in-law?Hope he makes it to the altar BEFORE passing out.Kindly be a little more discrete!Your doting brother,Gedenspire, Capitaine De La Garde
I think my dear friend Doctor Pekel is not anymore in a condition to practice self-diagnosis...In my opinion, this pic shows him in an advanced state of HYPNONARCHIA, due -not to champagne or illicit produces-, but rather to a long and intense exposure to Stormy's warm and fiery Love...As to Stormy, I saw her drinking champagne sometimes, and it actually did not induce such a radiant smile:)))It's good to have friends like the two of you!
Oh well put, My Lord Myron!Let Pekel off the champagne hook.Because, by Jove, he is well hooked, gaffed and salted down already by my tempestuous sister.Gedenspire