Forum Activity for @tatiana-dokuchic

Tatiana Dokuchic
22 Mar 2016 05:59:02AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

It was a very interesting challenge to put this all together for the Bronze Award (and the new Apprenticeship program). I learned to do things in bigger batches and some days I thought I'd never get the ringing out of my ears from all that hammering :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
30 Mar 2016 05:25:10PM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

You definitely can!The RL Mike happened to see me mining away and was quite impressed. Saidthat swinging that pickaxewas bound to build up my upper body ;)

Tatiana Dokuchic
07 Apr 2016 09:43:50AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

Congratulations to Hatsuka for completing her Blacksmith Apprenticeship and earning a Bronze Smithing Award!

See her pictures here.

Tatiana Dokuchic
10 Apr 2016 11:38:37AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

Excellent news! Smithing is so empowering!!

I'm glad you like theambience of the iron mine. It seems that every time I have to work there I throw down a few more flowers ;)

Tatiana Dokuchic
13 Apr 2016 08:43:16AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

Looks great!! Congratulations on becoming our 2nd Apprentice :)

Tatiana Dokuchic
25 Apr 2016 05:43:27AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

Nice!! I'm sending you the Bronze Award - please don't melt it down to make something else ;)

Tatiana Dokuchic
02 Jun 2016 06:18:49AM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges


Yes, conquering the kitchen really helps with smithing though all that pounding at the forge makes my head ache :)

Bronze is on the way!

Tatiana Dokuchic
21 Mar 2016 02:50:31PM
1,919 posts

Smithing Challenges

QH Challenges

Smithing Challenges

These Smithing Challenges are open to all Queen's Hamlet Co-op Members. You must use ore & products that you've either produced yourself, purchased from a QH Member and/or purchased from the QH Co-op. You must also expend energy for all of your smithing tasks.

Please post pictures of your smithing success to verify your accomplishments.

Bronze Award

You've got both the brains and the brawn to be a blacksmith. You dream of crafting beautiful lanterns, sharp scythes and exquisite swords but first you have to start with the basics. Here's the list of requirements for the Bronze Award.

  • Purchase your ownjar of Tharlarion's Oil (which is sold at cost in the Market)
  • Mine 100 pieces of iron ore
  • Using the Foundry turn 100 pieces of iron ore into 10 iron ingots
  • Using the Forge turn 1 iron ingot into Scrap Metal
  • Using the Forge turn 3 iron ingots into a Hammer
  • Using the Forge turn 4 iron ingots into a Pickaxe
  • Using the Forge turn 2 iron ingots + 1 Scrap Metal into Tongs

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 22 Oct 2016 04:48:45AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
10 May 2016 01:49:29PM
1,919 posts

Shopkeeping Challenges

QH Challenges

No way am I letting Mikhail take the credit for setting up the Market!! :)
