Forum Activity for @earl-verney

Earl Verney
02 May 2017 06:44:55PM
2 posts

Start of the Roleplay - Social Beginnings

Social Announcements & Introductions

Good day everyone,

With the building concluded at this early state, its time to turn our attention to the opening of the roleplay. Set within a middle class setting of 1745 CEĀ  London, we aim to encourage middle class roleplay, and simply enjoying the cultural excursions and activities presented. For further questions, please see Nazeem Resident , Elisabeth Milneaux , or MariaAntonia Barenhaut .

Our opening event, will be a ball on Sunday, May 7th, 1745 CE. ( !8th Century Evening Attire Please).

The hosts and organizers for the event are Sir Adrian Cortlandt (Nazeem Resident), Lady Elisabeth Osterham (Elisabeth Milneaux), and Lady Maria Dryden (MariaAntonia Barenhaut).

GLSL Assembly Hall Invite 5 7 1745.jpg

And on the following Tuesday, there will be Cards, hosted by Mr and Mrs Richard Allerton (Delos Helstein, and ChezGiroux Resident)

GLSL Assembly Hall Cards Invite 5 9 1745.jpg

Thank You!

Management of Georgian London in Second Life

Earl Verney
24 Apr 2017 09:29:00PM
2 posts

New Roleplay: Georgian London in Second Life

Social Announcements & Introductions

Greetings Ladies and Gentlemen
Welcome to Georgian London in Second Life

The aim of this role-play is to provide a wholesome and cultured experience within the eighteenth century. Set in a small part of London, we welcome you to explore the area, mixing with artists, actors, and all the social classes as we cover the historical events of the era.

The year is 1745 and London is at the centre of an ever expanding empire of commerce and global trade. The country is on edge with the potential threat of a Jacobite invasion, with Bonnie Prince Charlie landing his troops up in Scotland. The Whigs maintain their power despite the death of the great oligarch Sir Robert Walpole, and the Prince of Wales is leading the opposition government in patriotic rebellion against his father King George II. Rule, Britannia! Britannia rule the waves.

For more Information, please contact: Nazeem Resident (Creator and Owner), MariaAntonia Barenhaut (Historian, Manger of Roles), Elisabeth Milneaux (Executive Chief), Delos Helstein (RolePlay Officer and Events Manager), ChezGiroux Resident (RolePlay Officer and Events Manager).

You can find the group inworld "Georgian London in Second Life" as well as follow updates and announcements here on Living History " ".


London 1.jpg

London 2.jpg London 3.jpg

updated by @earl-verney: 24 Apr 2017 09:32:21PM