Forum Activity for @capacitatodd-principe-dimelioria

Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
18 Jan 2011 04:32:26PM
15 posts

Congratulations to the winners of the Jan 15th En Garde contest @The Villa!

Social Announcements & Introductions

Dear Contessa - We, of course, would welcome such a force to reckon with on our humble playing field. But be warned Cece has been known to slip out of the kitchen, put on her best (stolen dress) and play incognito. What is that word you Francese use so beautifully? ahh yes formidable!
Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
17 Jan 2011 11:21:12AM
15 posts

Congratulations to the winners of the Jan 15th En Garde contest @The Villa!

Social Announcements & Introductions

Dear Signor - I personally will make sure that a new map is sent to you so you and yours will not get lost taking the long journey south. Please do grace us with your presence when ever your schedule allows.
Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
14 Jan 2011 04:01:43PM
15 posts

Very OOC - for a giggle

General Discussion

Omg the woman is EVERYWHERE Madonna!
Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
05 Jan 2011 04:02:19PM
15 posts

Second Life - a world in decline?

General Discussion

So many thoughtful replies and on a whole true.

But what I find most telling is they all come from some of the most creative people in SL. I am going on 4 years now and my thought about SL is: look what we have created from what we had to play with. Lucas point about our personal inventory is the most telling. Open your inventory and bring out that prized first dress or house you built and compare to what you are making now. It is truly astonishing.

I accepted a long time ago that SL commerce wouldnt be lucrative. How could you apply your RL hourly rate on to some of these wonderful things? Nonnas sculptures, Lex & Gallyons wine, Ephes dresses, Bedrichs builds. To mention but a few. One could never charge enough to make them profitable or get the money for their value.

So this all tells me we do it because SL allows us to truly create and grow as craftsman and artists. And a forum to present. That is why we come back. That is why we may swear we wont come back tomorrow after todays tiff. But we do. And we will.

Old saying: You get out what you put in.

Do we know if SL will be here tomorrow? No. but if it does go we all have had a truly intriguing evolution in our creativity. And more importantly if she starts to sink fast we will exchange (or have already) emails with those we love.

Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
29 Oct 2010 04:26:22PM
15 posts


Communty News & Events

Ahh Signore - How Grand! I will travel to that fair land so as not to miss such an exciting event..........and carry my purse. I will also send you a letter ahead so we may plan a tournament at my Villa. Hopefully with winter settling in to the north we may plan on many trying to escape to our sublime weather here in Melioria. And I promise to match the extreme generousity of the Duc and Duchesses of Coeur with a generous award. Best Regards Capacitatodd Elswit, Principe di Melioria