First pictures from "Farewell my Queen"+ Updated
General Discussion
Yep he sure was beastly... :0
...and ironically enough in that movie hes married toan actress whos a "beauty" *hint* *hint* (Married in RL not in the movie)
I belive you might have been right about him representing the "ancien regime"- the quote I was thinking about was actually about the historical occurence,not the film. Touche Monsieur Gandt 
"La Bte du Gvaudan was a real wolf-like monster prowling the Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the years 1764 to 1767, killing about 100 people, often in bizarre circumstances. Every effort to stopit failed andit became nationally infamous. The King - Louis XV - took a personal interest, one reason being the unrest it caused in an area of religious/political tension and potential revolution."
I think I understand your comment about Danton being"good" One person might love it another one might not.
One of my favorite 18th century films is about the marriage of swedish King Gustav III. But im not sure people not familiar with the backstory and a good grasp of swedish would "get it" At least I think its "good"