Forum Activity for @leopoldina

20 Dec 2013 05:08:17AM
280 posts

Female politician offended by 18th century painting


I never heard of masculism before, guess I learned something new! But maybe the right word here would be just sexism? Feminism advocates women's right, and from what I understood from masculism, it advocates men's rights.

Anyway, I think it is very uncaled for to have the painting removed because of the bare breast. What about the many sculptures and other paintings that show nude men and women? Besides, as Jane pointed out, in those paintings and sculptures the intention was never to sexualize nudity.

10 Dec 2013 08:08:19AM
280 posts

Ever, Jane MMO sucessfuly funded on Kickstarter!

General Discussion

I remember your posts about it, but I think your LM is not working.

Is there much roleplay going on the sim?

06 Dec 2013 07:33:11AM
280 posts

Ever, Jane MMO sucessfuly funded on Kickstarter!

General Discussion

Remember that Jane Austen-esque MMO I posted about some weeks ago ? It was successfully funded 4 days ago! Here is the update posted by Judy L. Tyrer:



Well, we did it! It's been a bit of a roller-coaster ride, but we did it thanks to you .


So what happens next?

The first thing is that Kickstarter will be collecting all your pledges over the next two weeks look out for an e-mail from them in case there are any problems with your cards! You wouldn't want to miss out, now, would you? While this is happening, the prototype game will remain free to play, so do invite friends if you would like.

We will, however, be busy setting up our website to handle account verification and payments, and once this is in place, only you, our backers, will be able to continue to play for free. However, we're also listing our stretch goals on the website and people who contribute to these will have automatic access to the game. We're also going to be setting up a spreadsheet with all your names and the rewards you're entitled to so that you don't miss out when we launch the game itself 90% of the rewards are in-game, as you know, so you will have to wait for most of these.

I hope we'll also be able to put you on a mailing list so that we can keep you informed about new updates, releases, etc. We'll be putting these on our website, of course, but it would be good to be able to e-mail you as well. Obviously we'll set up a mechanism so that you can unsubscribe from our e-mails and we promise not to e-mail you too often but we hope you'll want to go on hearing from us, and be willing to allow e-mails from into your inbox.

Next up will be our end-of-year parties, so please keep an eye on the website for details: And thank you all, so much, once again.



updated by @leopoldina: 06 Oct 2016 06:25:37AM
02 Dec 2013 08:14:27AM
280 posts

En L'An 2000, France in the 21st Century


The National Library of France (BNF) have a funny series of 87 french postcards that depict the life in 2000, made in 1899, 1900 and 1910. They were illustrated by Jean-Marc Ct and other artists, and were never distributed. It is speculated that they were included in foods' packages of the time and inGermanpostcardsas well.

"Chemical dinner";

A horse being shown as something uncommon, rare and extinct;

Some sort of delivery service;

Audio message;

A tailor;

Flying fire-fighters;


Air traffic;

Electrical roller skates;

Electronic barbershop;

Interactive movie;

Listening to the "newspaper";

I love those! Some other pictures can be found on Wikimedia Commons . It is interesting to notice that, in some way, some of the pictures actually "guessed" the future pretty right, while some looks very ridiculous, in the good sense. I find it particularly funny how they forgot to change a "little" detail: the fashion.

What are your thoughts about it? Isn't interesting to see how someone 100 years ago imagined our present times? I wonder if in another 100 years, people will laugh at our predictions too.


Info and pictures

Wikipedia article

More info

updated by @leopoldina: 31 May 2017 12:52:42AM
02 Dec 2013 08:16:36AM
280 posts

Help! What shall I wear?

Communty News & Events

oh I love Hedwig's wedding dress <3

01 Dec 2013 04:29:23AM
280 posts

The Gabriel Chandelier, first permanent installation of contemporary artwork in Versailles

Art & Architecture

I think once the shock passes it grows on you. And yes, to see it in RL must be much better to understand it.

And your welcome, I must thank everyone for their input and contributions to this thread. When I saw this news I thought right away it could result in some nice discussion here :)

30 Nov 2013 04:02:19PM
280 posts

The Gabriel Chandelier, first permanent installation of contemporary artwork in Versailles

Art & Architecture

Thanks for these! I definitely like the before photo more, but still, I find it very elegant.

30 Nov 2013 08:38:29AM
280 posts

The Gabriel Chandelier, first permanent installation of contemporary artwork in Versailles

Art & Architecture

I don't know, I think I like the Gabriel chandelier more than this one and the previous. The one thing though is that, somehow, I think both of them makes more "sense" to be in their respective places than Gabriel.

But thanks to both Comte and Aldo for the contribution on the discussion :)

I also must admit, just like Tatiana said, Gabriel chandelier is growing on me! I think it looks very elegant. A miniature version of it would look very classy on those older apartments in Paris.

29 Nov 2013 07:49:07AM
280 posts

The Gabriel Chandelier, first permanent installation of contemporary artwork in Versailles

Art & Architecture

I think looking from afar, the chandelier it looks pretty and elegant, not so much on a closer look.

But then, as it was pointed out, it looks very out of place, being an asymmetrical LED chandelier in a neoclassical room, which is very symmetrical.

Of course Versailles has been through changes since its start, but still I am not sure if I like the idea of a permanent contemporary piece of art inside a historical room. It breaks the immersion and historical feeling of it. There is so many other places this could be installed.
