Quant la doulce jouvencelle - (anon Oxford Can. Misc. 213)

Category: Music
Duration: 00:04:02
Duration: 00:04:02
The American medieval and renaissance ensemble Asteria (Sylvia Rhyne, soprano, and Eric Redlinger, lute and tenor) perform "Quant la doulce jouvencelle" live in the 14th century ducal palace of Prince Philip "the Bold" and Margeret of Flanders at Germolles, in Burgundy, France. Note the striking 'P' and 'M' insignias in the background (for Philip and Margeret), part of the original 14th century wall murals still preserved at the chateau de Germolles.
Asteria is known for their intimate and sumptuous performance style and the emotional immediacy of their interpretations of French medieval and renaissance music. http://asteriamusica.com
Asteria is known for their intimate and sumptuous performance style and the emotional immediacy of their interpretations of French medieval and renaissance music. http://asteriamusica.com