VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US

The Flight to Fanciful ~ Part 1 The Meeting with Professore Stern ~ by Lady Leena Fandango
The Flight to Fanciful ~ Part 1 The Meeting
Silas Becker arrives aboard ship at the island of Rocca Sorrentina. He shields his eyes from the sun and surveys the island with a keen eye and can't help but notice the lovely scenery and the warm breezes. After disembarking, he strolls a slight distance away from the dock and notices a cat on a bench and reaches over to give the black feline some attention. Becker laughs quietly as the cat begins to purr and bat at his hands with ebony paws. Standing once again and leaving the cat to bask in the sun, he gazes around and tries to decide what to do next.
Reaching into his pocket, Becker checks for the letter, and hopes to come across one Professore Stern, in hopes of meeting with him as soon as possible. He has some business to attend to here as he is acting as agent to his employer, Lady Leena Fandango, who hopes to move to the island if accomodations are available for her. Looking back towards the dock, Silas Becker spies a man off in the distance and decides to walk towards him and ask about the whereabouts of the Professore. By chance, the gentleman near the wharf cordially introduces himself as the very Professore Stern that Becker seeks.
After exchanging pleasantries and the reason for Becker's arrival, Professore suggested meeting in the library of the Villa, a large and beautiful building up on the hilltop. The library was quite grand and after the men were sitting comfortably, the Professore graciously offers some wine, which Becker happily accepts.
The discussion begins with Becker offering Professore Stern the letter from Lady Fandango so he was assured of his credentials. Silas Becker explains that Lady Leena wished to move to the island to escape the coming winter in England and that she has visited here in the past. Her friend, Lady Aphrodite MacBain, resides on Rocca Sorrentina and spoke highly of the climate and how much she enjoys living on the island. Professore Stern commented fondly about Lady MacBain, she is held in high regard by himself and the others that live here and asks some questions of the character of Lady Leena. Becker assures him that Lady Fandango is quite respectable, although her parents have passed away, she comes from a good family.
Professore mentions an apartment in the Villa, just upstairs from where they were sitting, hoping it is what she is looking for. After sipping the last of the wine, Becker stands and accompanies him to tour what he has to offer. The apartment is perfect and will fit Lady Fandango's needs quite nicely. The rooms are formal yet cozy and well appointed with furnishings. Professore Stern assures Becker that Lady Leena may use what is contained in the apartment as it pleases her. Becker enthusiatically agrees to the arrangement so that the apartment will be hers once she arrives to the island.
Professore Stern politely requests that Becker follow him to see a gentleman, Don Alphonso, his assistant, who handles the business dealing of the island. Both men exit the apartment and Becker follows the Professore down some winding steps to finish his business, happy that Lady Leena has found a new place to call home. Don Alphonso was a bit of an eccentric fellow and didn't talk much so Becker follows the lead of Professore Stern, who encourages a rather grim Don Alphonso into showing Becker the contracts and necessary documents. Professore Stern takes his leave for Becker to conclude his business, and the two men shake hands. Professore asks that Becker meet him in the cafe for some coffee, run by none other than Lady Aphrodite MacBain, Lady Leena's friend, so that they can talk further about the history of the Rocca Sorrentina.
Following his nose and the scent of delicious coffee, Becker escapes Don Alphonso's grumbling and finds Professore seated in the cafe with the coffee in front of him and the setting sun behind. Becker takes a seat and is quite impressed as Professore Stern recounts the history of the island with a wide mix from the Greeks and Roman, the Spanish and the current situation as a part of the Kingdom of Naples. At one point, he shares that a Prince of the island has sadly disappeared but left instructions for the island's continuity. Professore Stern acts as magistrate of Rocca Sorrentina after doing the long lost Prince a favor. He opened up a bit of his own history as being from Piedmont with his own credentials as not only magistrate of Rocca Sorrentina but also as a diplomat. Becker couldn't help but wonder about what the favor could be, and toasted Professore Stern with genuine respect.
Becker shares a bit about himself, a simple country boy being from Cornwall, England and mentions that it's the same area that Lady Leena's family is from. He's happily in Lady Leena's employ and is quite content with his station in life. Professore Stern seems to be quite a force to be reckoned with, Becker thinks to himself. After a bit of further pleasant conversation, Professore Stern excuses himself to attend to some duties of Rocca Sorrentina and the men rise up from their seats bowing, and say pleasant goodbyes to each other.
Becker sits back down, sipping his coffee and knows he needs to write to Lady Leena straight away so she may make the arrangements for her move. She had confidence in Becker, rest assured, so she's probably already packing in her eagerness to get here, Becker couldn't help but smile to himself. He breathes a quiet sigh of relief that he got the job done and his duties to her have been fulfilled. After finishing his coffee and walking back to his cabin on the ship, Silas Becker puts quill to paper, happily writing to Lady Leena to let her know her new home awaits her.
I am beside myself with happiness that Leena has finally come to this Isle. I have been begging her for ages. As soon as she has settled I will invite her for tea and introduce her to some of my other friends here, including Signorine Candace, Beatrice, and Elisabetta as well as Professore Stern, Hugo, and Mercury if they are around. I am sure that the Conte Foscari will also be happy to meet her as his office is in the same building she resides. I wonder what I will bake for tea...
Thank you Aphrodite and I'm sending you a huge hug. I often recall our conversations and you would on occasion say, "Come live with us!"
It is so nice to welcome you as a new neighbour... You made the right decission to be a member of this friendly and great community. Matisse and me are so happy to call a little retreat our own:-)
Thank you Duchessa Alessandra, I'm very happy to be part of Rocca Sorrentina