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The Flight to Fanciful ~ Part 2 Pulling into Port at Rocca Sorrentina ~ by Lady Leena Fandango
By Lady Leena Fandango, 2013-09-05
The Flight to Fanciful ~ Part 2 Pulling into Port
Lady Fandango stands at the rail and watches as the ship gets ever closer to the dock at Rocca Sorrentina. First, the island was a small dot on the horizon and then the landgrows bigger as she approaches. It was a swift and pleasant journey and she's happy to be arriving. She's visited here a few times in the past, but now that she's to become a resident, this trip is even more wonderful.
Lady Leena's agent, Silas Becker, wrote back to her in England and assured her that his meeting with Professore Stern went well. She's about to live in alovely two roomapartment in the Villa Vesuviana. Becker also let her know that many fine artisans and craftsman are on the island so anything she needs can be acquired there. She remembers the fine shops on her travels here and cannot wait to see what's new and different on the island.
Lady Aphrodite MacBain resides here and she can't wait to gossip and catch up with her old friend. She envisions many conversations with coffee and sweets, fresh baked by La Barista Aphrodite herself. Walks along the beach with the warm breezes and healing waters is just what Lady Leena needs to escape the coming winter in England. There was music on the island now, a new area where all could come together and listen in the open air, such a wonderfully mild climate here. Some tunnels underneath the island with relics, she was trying to recall from her past visits, with ancient ruins and history of their own. It would be good to explore and get her bearings once again.
Becker wrote that a meeting with Don Alphonso would be in order, he handles the financial affairs on the island,and that he was a very curious fellow. Perhaps just sending Becker down to deal with him would be more prudent. Speaking of Becker, Lady Leenascans the shore and looksfor her agent,hopinghe would be there to meet her as she disembarked.He happens to be near the dock and spies her on the ship andwaves to her.
Silas Becker bows and greets her warmly, "Good day my Lady, was it a pleasant journey? Everything isready, we can get you settled in without delay." Lady Leena smiles back at him, "Oh yes, the seas were fairly calm and I'm looking forward to my new adventures here. How are you fairing Becker? Your letter was happily received and you'vedone well getting things sorted out here for me."
"Thank you Lady Leena," Becker says.Smiling broadly he lifts his hand and points to the Villa on the hill, to my new home. Lady Fandango sighs happily and smiles back at him, eyes bright and happy, eager to begin her newchapter at Rocca Sorrentina.