Avatar: Lady Leena Fandango
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US

Sere's Tiki Palace 2
And Sere said, "I'm going to log off now, have fun."
So Don Aldo and I decided to do just that, Sere has built a beautiful Roman bath but to us, it screamed Tiki Palace!
We added some decorations and it made her laugh when she logged back in!
And Aldo said, "Don't forgot to tip your alpha predator," as he had trained a dinosaur (AKA Lucerius) to tend bar.
So Don Aldo and I decided to do just that, Sere has built a beautiful Roman bath but to us, it screamed Tiki Palace!
We added some decorations and it made her laugh when she logged back in!
And Aldo said, "Don't forgot to tip your alpha predator," as he had trained a dinosaur (AKA Lucerius) to tend bar.