Avatar: Lady Leena Fandango
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US

Sere's Tiki Palace 1
And Sere said, "I'm going to log off now, have fun."
So Don Aldo and I decided to do just that, Sere has built a beautiful Roman bath but to us, it screamed Tiki Palace!
And Aldo said, "Don't forgot to tip your alpha predator," as he had trained a dinosaur (AKA Lucerius) to tend bar.
We added some decorations and it made her laugh when she logged back in!
So Don Aldo and I decided to do just that, Sere has built a beautiful Roman bath but to us, it screamed Tiki Palace!
And Aldo said, "Don't forgot to tip your alpha predator," as he had trained a dinosaur (AKA Lucerius) to tend bar.
We added some decorations and it made her laugh when she logged back in!