Avatar: Lady Leena Fandango
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US
VW: Second Life
Location: United States
Country: US

Travelers' Tales

Published on Apr 25, 2015Filmed in Second Life by Secret Rage.The Sorrentina Players present: TRAVELERS' TALESAn original play by Bajoy Resident, adapted for Second Life based on Arthurian legend and a tale by Geoffrey Chaucer.Directed by Amza Hydraconis Brinner and performed in Second Life at The Globe Theatre, Renaissance Island at 1pm on Saturday April 18th and 19th, 2015.The Soundtrack was recorded by Bajoy Resident, with the voices of World-Wide Voice Artists: Barb, Keith, Geoff, Amza, Lu, Kathy, and Rich.Set Design: Claire-Sophie de RocoulleStage Manager & Special Effects: Serenek TimelessCostume Consultant: Nimue BrezoianuProgramme graphics: Serenek TimelessThe Sorrentina Players are:Robijn Resident, Amza Hydraconis Brinner, Sister (SisterButta Resident), Hugo Dieter, Bajoy Resident, Iddy Schmooz, Aphrodite Macbain, Vulpine Eldrich, Burly Mothman, OnwRn Brinner, Claire-Sophie de Rocoulle, Serenek Timeless and Nimue Brezoianu .The Sorrentina Players give special thanks for use of the Globe Theater to Korrigan Keynes and the South Central Regional Library Council, owners of Renaissance Island.
It was a great play.... The movie is fabulous ... Ty for sharing
Thank you Duchessa, glad you enjoyed