VW: Second Life
Country: GB

La Rocca Sorrentina - Arrival
New journal entry - 25 August, 1773
From my cabin, I heard the commotion of the crew preparing to come into port. I made my way to the main deck, unsteadily, and as I emerged, and the air tousled my hair and sent my skirts into motion, I saw a view of heaven.
The island, seemingly sprouting up from the ocean, was a combination of rough, rocky shoreline and verdant green. I was transfixed by the view. The architecture was so different from what I had just left. My heart ached with its beauty, and I felt bathed in regret that I did not recognize such a beautiful place. For surely, when one returns to an oasis of this magnitude, one ought to feel a measure of gladness in being so fortunate as to view it again. I stood wondering if my parasol would withstand the ocean breezes that grasped at the ship as it glided into port, and decided instead to simply be warmed by the sun, and allow all of nature to assault my senses.
The soft sway of the boat only added to the surreal impact of what lay before me. But what did lay before me? I knew not, but I looked forward to exploring this place, and seeing what hints of my past might lay within its walls and small alleyways.
As we drew closer, nearing the docks, I moved to a space where I might not be in the way of crewmen seeing to masts and anchors, and leaned on the rail. What seemed small wavering spots soon grew taller, then shadows appeared beneath legs and skirts and I watched as the city came to life before my eyes. I was delighted. The salt air mixed with the smell of fresh-baked goods and my stomach rumbled. I knew I should eat before debarking but the thought of wasting even one minute in setting foot upon the soil of La Rocca was out of the question.
My maid came up and placed a lace shawl about my shoulders to ward off a slight chill and I accepted it, pulling it around me and waiting impatiently as the crew slid the gangplank down. My footmen bid me into my sedan and I nearly waved them off, but in my still-weakened condition, acquiesced and allowed them to safely transport me down the gangplank, to the dock, and up the steep stairs to the commons. I could scarcely believe the contrasts; such small stone corridors weaving a labyrinth beneath the glorious pastoral green.
I rapped lightly on the wall of the sedan, and stepped out when it was placed on the ground, dismissing my footmen. I wished to have a full view of this place, without hindrance of the small enclosure. The sun warmed my skin, and the cool ocean breeze soothed me. No wonder I had come here so often.
I walked toward a large building and within a small copse of Mediterranean pines, a set of stone benches were set, shaded from the heat of the sun, and a small table with wine and glasses set out. I wondered who might have been there... if perhaps I would meet them, if they would know me. Suddenly, the anxiety of coming so far to potentially meet strangers who knew more about me than I knew about myself seemed a silly thing. Suddenly, in the midst of this wondrous place, I found myself hopeful. I walked along the edge of the benches, lightly touching the table holding the wine, and smiled, knowing that some day, perhaps soon, I might be seated there amongst friends, drinking wine and enjoying their company.
As I walked up the steps to the building, I paused to look out at the sea. So strange a journey I had just had. I did not know what had happened to me, awoke in strange surroundings, frightened and alone, and within a matter of mere weeks, found myself in such a glorious place with all the possibilities of life laid before me like a tremendous canvas just waiting to be painted. My mind churned with unanswered questions and unforeseeable outcomes as I slowly climbed the steps, into the shade of the building and through the doors, so immersed in my thoughts. Then I stopped, dead in my tracks.
Such grandeur! I had seen but my own chambers and a small portion of my home upon leaving, the inside of a carriage, the lower decks of a ship, but this... I turned, surveying every painting, every statue, every gilt door frame and felt my eyes well up with tears. I wandered about the Villa taking in everything; each room more exquisite than the one before it and my heart pounded. I could not tell if I was familiar with this place, or if simply the magnitude of its beauty overwhelmed my senses.
After what seemed like hours, I made my way out, and followed the path, down a stairway, and found myself in a lovely cafe overlooking the ocean. I picked up a newspaper, hoping to learn more of what was going on in this glorious place, and a man's voice spoke my name.
Someone knew me, here. I looked up at the older gentleman and came to find that he was the Magistrate of the island. Signore Stern. A friend.
I cannot possibly articulate how grateful I am to be here.
[end of entry]
very nice images
Thank you
I absolutely love your pictures! Just stunning~ <3
Beautiful pictures!!!!!
Very emotive story surrounded with amazing pictures.