VW: Second Life
Country: BR

Letters from Leopoldine - 2
Paris,5 June 1774
My beloved friend,
Last week I had the chance to host my very own salon at court, and I must tell you how nervous I was about tidying everything up to perfection! Thankfully, a very kind lady helped me, though I could only wish that you, my dearest Jeanne, would be there to help me, with your always gentle and affectionate guidance, from which my heart could never grow tired of.
This evening got me reminding of your secret 3 days long carrier as my lady-in-waiting. Do you remember how absurd it was my dear? Monsieur ttiquete was terrified of Mme Royale discovering it! How ridiculous this whole affair was, but it is now nothing but a sweet memory of our devotion to ourselves.
Later on the same day the Queen was to receive the courtier to show her condolences. I met cousine Sophie, whom I saw previously on my salon, and we both shared our anxiety for we were about to talk in front of Her Majesty! We had to wear mourning grand-habits de cour, which I found rather melancholic and dull. Though we also wore these little black bonnets on top of our hair, and they looked quite silly.I believe I made a great impression on the Queen, and I much hope for a positon on Her Majesty's household,as Mme Victoire's stays on Chteau de Bellevue are becoming more regular, and it is being rumored that Mesdames ought to move there permanently.
After the Queen retired to her private apartments, I got to talk with the intelligent Marquis de Sarlat and the dashing Comte de Cardaillac. After the Marquis left, I spoke briefly with the latter alone, but my good morals do not allow me to write our conversation in this letter without blushing terribly.
But my dear friend, I have to tell you that I am left at the most state of neglect. Not only by my husband, but by our musical friend .I wonder if his brother have anything to do with his decreased presence at court, but nonetheless I do hope he still carries me on his heart -along with that lock of my hair that is- for he will always have a special place on mine.
I kiss you and mon cherie soeur tenderly,
Forever yours,
( previous letter )
I love this!
I do enjoy how the stories and the pictures come out, its getting better each round. Keep it up dear
Thank you all for the sweet comments guys! I am happy you're enjoying the letters :D