VW: Second Life
Country: BR

Letters from leopoldine - 5
Versailles, 6 August 1774
My beloved sister,
The past weeks has been rather dull, for I felt ill and was forced to stay at the countryside resting. The few court gossip that reached my ears during that was not of great interest to me. It seems a marriage for Mme Clotilde, one of His Majesty's sister, is being planned. It do seems consistent, since the girl will soon turn 15. But her weight may be a issue on future negotiations, you know how beauty is more praised than one's virtues in our day and age.
As for the youngest one, Mme Elisabeth, she is too young to think of a marriage perhaps, but she's been growing quite fast, and its becoming a very lovely young lady. Her self-willed and haughty personality is being slowly taken care of by the admirable sub-governess Mme de Mackau. The child still display some of her unappropriated behavior, but I do believe this will soon fade thanks to Mme de Mackau and Mme de Marsan's efforts. After all, I do believe the court is not in need of more self-willed Mmes.
I purposely left the most interesting fact to report in the end of this letter. As I had just returned to court this week I heard rumors that much interest me. The court musician has been seen around the palace, and it seems he will in fact move back to court. I believe I don't have to tell you how this news fill my heart with the most sincere feelings of happiness, though I am also much anxious to our probable meeting in the near future.
I shall host a salon this friday, and I have been wondering if he shall be there or not. In the case of the former, I pray that I will behave properly, hiding my feelings behind smiles and nodding, as noble ladies as ourselves ought to do in such situations. If the latter happens, I must say I will be deeply sad, and shall wait eager for the next opportunity to meet him again.
Perhaps I will join the Comtesse d'Artois this night in gambling, I am in great need of a few moments of mindless distractions to bring my spirits up.
I kiss you and dear Anne most tenderly.
Your devoted sister,
( previous letter )
Thanks Leopoldine from the bottom of her heart for posting the PG version here