Inara has long been one of my favourite SL bloggers.
This week she's got two posts that are of particular interest to our historical communities so I thought I'd share snippets of them here with you. Please follow the links provided for the full stories.
I'd love to hear from anyone that's attended either of these!
A Tudor love story in Second Life

Love, Henry , LEA 8
Now open at LEA 8 is Tahiti Raes Love, Henry . Created with the assistance of Sonic Costello, Augurer Resident, Caryl Meredith, Annu Pap, Mitsuko Kytori, Abel Dreamscape, this is an interactive examination of the relationship between King Henry VIII of England and Anne Boleyn , from their courtship to her becoming his wife and Queen Consort, through to events immediately prior to her death just 1,000 days later.
An outline sketch of events would be to say that Henry was bound in childless wedlock to Catherine of Aragon when Anne caught his eye (having in earlier years taken Annes older sister, Mary, as one of his mistresses), causing him to desire her to the point of having his marriage annulled so that he might wed her. Thereafter, and unable to provide him with a son and heir, she also suffered a fall from grace, largely engineered, to suffer execution in the Tower of London.
Luxembourg 1867: exploring virtual history in Second Life
The Virtual Pfaffenthal , July 2015 ( Flickr ) click any image for full size
Currently featured in the Editors Picks section of the Destination Guide, The Virtual Pfaffenthal is interesting mix of role-play environment and historical project which crosses over into the real world.
The project run by the 1867 group founded by Hauptmann Weydert (Weydert), comprises 8 regions, with Pfaffenthal Vauban and Kirchberg being the most developed, although there is much evidence of construction work going on in the other regions. Kirchberg is actually the home of Fort Thngen , which has been in operation in SL since 2012, and as such may be familiar to some SL residents.
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:36:04AM