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Making a dress...

Felicité Luise de Batz
14 years ago
3 posts

Ok, I have three questions to all of you great 1800 century dress makers out there.

1, How do I "flatten out the front of the prim skirts, but keep the "poof" on the back?

2. If I'm interested in sellingmy garments (if I ever get that good) How do i put everything in a box or in a flat image... I don't understand how?

3. Give me every advice you got please, I've always wanted to create dresses and all of you are so good at it :)

Thanks before hand!

updated by @felicite-luise-de-batz: 06 Oct 2016 06:06:16AM
MarieLouise Harcourt
14 years ago
647 posts


1. Ehh, it's not like there is a technique for this, lol. Just experimentate a bit with prims.

2. If you create a object you can see 'contents', just drag the objects you want to sell from your invetory into those contents and then put the object for sale ;)

3.Take your time! It took me for ever to learn some things, lol!

Sophia Trefusis
14 years ago
471 posts

1.It takes a lot of tweaking before you the form of the skirt youre satisfied with.You should check out Sirena tutorials .Lots of handy tips.

2.What ML Harcourt said:)

3.We havent always been so good you know.Just try it out and if one way doesnt work try another.

Dont try to imitate someone else,be inspired yes but make it in your own way.

And these are the best advice I have

Felicité Luise de Batz
14 years ago
3 posts
Thank you for taking the time to tell me all off this! I do hace aome ideas on how I could do all of this!I have some sketches that I based on portraits that I like, I will take a look at the tutorials that you were talking about!Hope I'll see you online ;)
Felicité Luise de Batz
14 years ago
3 posts
*I do have some
LadySatine Constantine
14 years ago
24 posts
it is always good to have a mentor... Nonna Hedges has class's each thursday, and it a lovely lady, always their to help and give advice... And quite talented in her own right, If I can be half as good as she is I think I will of done well.