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The Purpose of our event schedule

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts

For a while I have been asking myself the same question: What is the purpose of an event schedule if it is not taken seriously.

In my opinion the ning event schedule is a very practical tool to coodrinate events in the historical communities and gives us a chance to act as a community in a transparent way for our members. For me the worst case would be if people had to choose between 3 events that take place simultaneously. I am not against competition but is that not slightly unfair?

In the past we have been able to enjoy so many lovely and thrilling events at different places - we tend to forget that there is a process of conception and realisation behind each event. So much work and efforts are put into this to make a wonderful experience possible. And I also speak from my own experience. The more annoying it gets when someone plans an event at the same time on the same day though the schedule is visible for everyone.

I am now wondering how seriously the schedule should be taken? I think it should be taken pretty seriously considering the amount of work that goes into every event. I personally try to plan events in advance so they do not collide with events in the coeurs or whever. For instance I moved the Patrons Ball roughly two times so it would not interfer with some interesting I might also want to attend myself!

I remember Tatiana's words a while ago about the photos display: Everyone should be given the opportunity to stand out. That is what I call fair and peaceful coexistence. Should the same not count for the event schedule?

updated by @anne-comtesse-de-noailles: 18 Oct 2016 08:39:27PM
14 years ago
123 posts
In my opinion you are absolutely right. It is annoying to have to choose between two different events at the same time. Thank you for your opportune post. Greetings !!
Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
14 years ago
49 posts

I have been following the evolution of the new Russia, and it sounds quite interesting. However up till now the events in Russia have always clashed with other events.usually the other events have been advertised for a while before the Russian events arescheduled, and so I am usually unable to attend due to attending a prior event.

I would agree with the Contesse that Ning provides the community with a useful tool for coordinating events so that they do not clash with one another.

It would be nice and more fun if one was able to participate in both.

Renonys d'Aquitaine
14 years ago
46 posts

Anne, thanks for this post. This has been on my mind lately.

I can view this situation in several ways. Firstly, part of me thinks that in the 18th century world we should work hard to accommodate each others schedules and let our members be given as many opportunities to get around to as many events as they can... ie., spread out the events across a given day. On the other hand, I also think that within the big scope of SL, there are always other events happening simultaneously ie, club events, modelling events, DJs, bands, etc. Sign on to any club group or event announcer and there are dozens of events every hour.

However, we are a small network/ community of people sharing similar interests. I don't think we should expect to control what time people host their events, but we can expect courtesy and a team effort from the members. I understand that sometimes it may be impossible to coordinate scheduling perfectly, but it makes me sad when I see two or three events all at the same time and I can either divide my time equally, go to one, go to two or not go at all. (Mostly I work when the events are held on the weekend so I can't be at the earlier ones anyway.)

I hesitated to announce the fashion show because I thought to myself, 'People get so competitive with their events, if I post this early, I'm sure someone will try to plan something bigger and better than this at the same time on the same day...' and then I realized that it shouldn't be that way and no matter the concern, people are free to do what they want. Someone may indeed post a bigger, better event that might outshine mine, but I can only hope that they aren't doing that intentionally to let my hours of planning and work be for nothing... ( I don't profit at all from the show. I'm only doing it to promote our wonderful designers and to draw more attention to the 18th century world and bring interested people to our sims... but I'm off track.)

It would be nice to see some respect and courtesy given within this lovely romantic chunk of our SL universe. We want people to come to our sims and see the events on which we work so hard. I think people should be allowed to schedule events when they want because well, they will anyway regardless as to whether they post it or not. In the end, people will go to the event that they like best or feel most aligned with.

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts

I absolutely agree with you here. We are a small places compared to others and we share a similar goal: Promote the arts and history of the 18th century in SL. And most importantly the fun in doing so. At least that has been my goal here for a few years now.

I do think that it is possible coordinate things thanks to this site. Just a quick glimpse at the calendar from time to time would really be enough I suppose. I am not against several events at the same day...but do they have to take place simultaneously? It is just about respect in my opinion and whether you are willing to pay attention. Some have it some definitely lack it

regarding your fashion show: I think this sounds like a thrilling idea what deserves some public attention. It is the first time I hear about it and I find it really interesting. Good luck and lots of fun with it! :))

Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts

I seeRoyal Courts' Events as a tool thatmakes it easier forEvent Planners to make informed decisions. I always thought it was a key component in integrating the various courts into a community and that's why it has such a prominent place (top-centre) on the site.

Back in the old days (before RC) events often overlapped because it was really difficult to coordinate information that was being sent out by many different people through many different group notices, notecards etc. We would often change an event at the last minute so as not to clash with something else that was going on. Of course, thiscould cause a lot of confusion and youcould end up attending a gala ball in your sailor suit that was meant for a rowboat race;)

As a tool,Events works well because it's centrally located and simple to use. You can tell what's going on in a glance. Of course this depends on people providing accurate information in a timely fashion which for the most part has been the case - Event Planners give yourselves a pat on the back :)) .

I usually suggest that Events can be entered up to a month in advance whichgoes a long wayto "reserving" that time for you. In practice this actually works quite well here on RC as I'veoftennoticedEvent Planners working togetherto adjusttheir scheduling.

And speaking of integrating various courts into the community, that's always going to be a work in progress. WhatRC can provide is a larger context which can take a lot of getting use to, especially for new people. When you start a new project (in SL or in RL) you are sometimes so wrapped up in all the specific details that it takes a while to lift your head up and see that there is a bigger world around you that you can contribute to and benefit from.

Anyway, that's my L$50 worth :))

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