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New blog - "Andronica's Wolfish Thoughts"

Andronica Llewellyn
14 years ago
65 posts

Just started my new blog "Andronica's Wolfish Thoughts" at

Please have a look!

updated by @andronica-llewellyn: 06 Oct 2016 06:07:31AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
14 years ago
1,919 posts

Congratulations on this new adventure, Andronica!

It's a great start and I'm looking forward to reading more :))

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
Andronica Llewellyn
14 years ago
65 posts
Thanks for your encouragement. Making the leap from the Eighteenth Century to this technology does stress the old wolf-brain...
Docteur Panacek
14 years ago
69 posts

Lady Llewellyn, i really enjoyed your Blog entry. Looking forward to read more . Being a time-traveler myself i do understand your stress. (Do you also use Aspirine to reduce the headaches)

Keep up the good work :-) And i do hope we can meet one day inworld.

Your Loyal servant, Dr. Panacek P. War Surgeon.

Andronica Llewellyn
14 years ago
65 posts
Thank you for your kind words. I am currently working on an article about werewolf reproduction, which perhaps will interest you (in the medical sense of course). As for the headaches, I take a mild dose of Aconitum (Wolfsbane), which is an effective narcotic for lycanthropes. Most human medications have little effect on us.
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts

its great to hear from you again dear. It's been such a long time :-) (its me mariejosette just to your information lol)

I have always enjoyed your adventures and will check out this site right away PROMISED :)

Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts
p.s. why is mozart's firstname wolfgang? (with reference to your excellent blog post which I really enjoyed)
Andronica Llewellyn
14 years ago
65 posts
As you might have guessed, WOLFgang was not entirely human... At the moment, I am not at liberty to reveal anything more than that, but stay tuned!
Anne, Comtesse de Noailles
14 years ago
263 posts