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Official opening of the Académie de Peinture et de Sculpture

Docteur Panacek
13 years ago
69 posts

Dear Friends, lovers of Music, Art and Beauty,

I am very proud to present you the birth of the new Acadmie de Peinture et de Sculpture .

The Official opening will be today the 29th of July at 02.00 pm SLT next to the Languedoc Ballroom.

I am especially honored to have so many talented Visual Artists who are willing to exhibit a sample of their work there. Most of them have given me a short biography, which i wanna share here with you.
The Acadmie will be permanently open to the public, and i do hope we will get many artists who are gonna show their work there in the future.

I hope you will enjoy the exhibition, and watch out for regulary art-related events in the immediate future. We are planning lectures about art and art history, general discussions about art and many many more.

If you want to join the group, please call me for an invitation.

P. Panacek, Chirurgien de Coeur.


First, let me give you some historical explanation (with many thanks to the infamous "Encyclopedia Wikipedia").

The Acadmie royale de peinture et de sculpture (Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture), Paris, was founded in 1648, modelled on Italian examples, such as the Accademia di San Luca in Rome. Paris already had the Acadmie de Saint-Luc, which was a city artist guild like any other Guild of Saint Luke. The purpose of this academy was to professionalize the artists working for the French court and give them a stamp of approval that artists of the St. Luke's guild did not have.

In 1661, it came under the control of Jean-Baptiste Colbert who made the arts a main part in the glorification of Louis XIV. From 1683 on, it reached its greatest power under the directorship of Charles Le Brun with its hierarchy of members and strict system of education. In 1749 the cole des lves Protgs was set up as a separate school within the Acadmie, to give three years' specialist training to winners of the Prix de Rome so that they might make better use of their time in Rome - its alumni included Pierre Julien, Jean Guillaume Moitte and Jean-Joseph Foucou.

On August 8, 1793, the Acadmie was suspended by the revolutionary National Convention, when the latter decreed the abolition of "toutes les acadmies et socits littraires patentes ou dotes par la Nation".

It was later renamed Acadmie de peinture et de sculpture.

The "Acadmie de peinture et sculpture" is also responsible for the Acadmie de France in the villa Mdicis in Rome (founded in 1666) which allows promising artists to study in Rome.

In 1816, it was merged with the Acadmie de musique (Academy of Music, founded in 1669) and the Acadmie d'architecture (Academy of Architecture, founded in 1671), to form the Acadmie des beaux-arts, one of the five academies of the Institut de France.


Artist biographies:

Kayly lali

I started into abstracts to deal with an anxiety. It has allowed me to explore and bring out hidden feelings that otherwise would not come out.

As a calligrapher of western letter-forms, I had been intrigued with the use of letter strokes. Like the Chinese and Japanese calligraphers of the past, their goals was to go beyond readability of letters into the abstractions of the forms but yet delivers a powerful feeling.

Using a wide house paintbrush, I manipulate it to create strokes of western letters yet unidentifiable to leave an impression on the viewer.
I welcome any comments of your interpretations. Feel free to IM me.

Fae Varriale

Fae came into SL with no experience of art and photography but, touched by the creativity she saw around her, soon found taking the occasional snapshot turned into a love of creating original artworks.

In December 2009 she put her first pictures up on Flickr, where she discovered a rich community of SL artists whose work inspired her to explore her own creativity further. Drawing on the diversity of beautiful and unusual landscapes and the ability to change appearance to almost anything you wish, Fae uses photographs taken inworld as the basis for her pictures.

As a keen builder she soon also developed a passion for creating 3D art & kinetic sculptures,creations of woven light and motion.
She is also involved in creating installations as part of mixed media performance space, incorporating live music, storytelling and dance and is the creator of stagesets for the Independant Ballet Company and DiversionzDance.

Fae has exhibited at Wash Street, gallery 4, Tiatopia Fine Arts Gallery, Pyramid Gallery, Dark Draconis Gallery, Gallery Arctica, Rose Gallery and gallery 23. She was also awarded a prize in the unscripted category from UWA for one of her sculptures.

Fae is the owner and co manager of Branwen Arts Centre which houses a gallery, exhibition space and theatre.

Milly Sharple

Milly Sharple has been creating fractals for the past 6 years working mostly with the software Apophysis. She creates soft, flowing, liquid effects rather than the more technical kind of fractal art. Her inspiration is nature and her own moods are often reflected in the art she produces. She enjoys creating images on light backgrounds as much as on dark ones and enjoys a vibrant palette as often as a muted one.

Antenna Rae

The work I am showing in Second Life is mostly abstract. I am interested in color as expression and the balance or imbalance of light and dark. I often work very intuitively, sometimes not even knowing what a piece is about until I am well into it.
I like to hear what people see in my artwork. As much as I like to hear that they see what I see, I am delighted when I encounter different perspectives on and interpretations of my work.

I've worked as an artist in different ways over the years. I started out as a scenic artist and properties artisan for theater and opera companies in the US. I studied art education and now teach private lessons and small classes in my studio. I've been painting in watercolor specifically for about 10 years and after having painted realistically and trompe l'oeil for theater, I'm enjoying working in the abstract. In addition to painting and teaching from my studio in real life, I work as an artist-in-residence in a hospital.

Many of the pieces available in Second Life are also available in real life as originals or prints. Contact me inworld or email me at if you are interested in knowing more about a piece.

Sheba Blitz

Sheba Blitz is a RL and SL artist who exclusively paints Mandalas. Mandalas are ancient & mystical symbols of the universe. And the way of the "peaceful path".

Classically in the form of a circle (the Cosmos) enclosing a square (Earthbound matter). My Mandalas generally contain what is called a quarternity or a multiple of four. This squaring of the circle is a common archetypal image of wholeness and order.

Sheba was born and lives in Australia. Has studied, explored and accumulated many Art Diplomas from different art processes since 1968. But always returns to geometric, symmetrical design, painting and creating Mandalas in mixed media.

Mandalas are seen as sacred places by their very presence in the world, and remind the viewer of the immanence of sanctity in the universe and it's potential to themselves. And that there is a way to follow the "peaceful path". They are a means to discover divinity, by the realization that it resides within one's own self.

Melusina Parkin

Melusina Parkin was born in SL in 2008, and since 2009 she works as CEO at MEB Fashion. Since 2010 she has her own furniture brand, Melu Deco and she decorated by her furniture many cafes, offices, private homes and fashion agencies, renewing the taste of Art Deco style.
She holds a blog ( ) and a Flickr, where are pics of almost all MEB Fashion shows, of great SL paces, of vintage culture, of Art Deco architecture of SL. ( ).
Shes also chief editor of the magazine Esselle ( ), writing there mostly about fashion.
Since 2011, Melusina takes part in the Photographes de InterSIM group, based in Paris 1900, and started to exhibit her works.
Her inspiration mostly comes from her curiosity for SL atmospheres and meaningful places.
Not all the Melusina's pics are for sale at the places where they are displayed: to buy the ones not set for sale, pls, contact the author inworld by IM or notecard.

Helendar Bailey

Hello I am Helendar Bailey. I'm from Europe, Serbia, 29 years old, I do painting since 2004. I want to introduce You with my artwork.
Paintings are handmade in real life. Acrylic on canvas and dry pastel. My inspiration is LOVE.
I had several solo and many group exhibitions in real life. And this is my start of exposure in SL :) Enjoy! Greetngs, Helendar

Sheba Blitz

I began creating fractals in April of 2010 after enjoying the wonderful works of the artists here. Prior to that time, i worked with acrylics and jewelry making.

I love the creativity in SL and the different styles of art from all around the world. the creativity and friendly, helpful artists from around the world never cease to amaze me!
I hope you enjoy my work and please feel free to message me with your comments.

El Eiren

I was born in Cuernavaca Mexico way to long ago. My father was British and my mother was half Mayan and half Portuguese. My father lived in San Francisco and my mother cared for the family business and extended family in Cuernavaca and Vera Cruz. I spent most of my summers with my father in either San Francisco or London.

I matriculated with a degree in Fine Arts from The University of California at Berkeley and completed a MFA at Antioch. I have sketched and painted since I was a boy. I spent a number of years working as a cinematographer for the California Department of /Education before returning to Mexico City where I attended medical school and completed a residency in General Surgery. I then entered a fellowship in Neurology in Great Britain, which led to training in Neurosurgery. My profession has been Neurosurgery,; my avocation remains the fine arts.

Briawinde Magic

I began creating fractals in April of 2010 after enjoying the wonderful works of the artists here. Prior to that time, i worked with acrylics and jewelry making.

I love the creativity in SL and the different styles of art from all around the world. the creativity and friendly, helpful artists from around the world never cease to amaze me!

I hope you enjoy my work and please feel free to message me with your comments.

Candace Ducatillon

SL found Candace Ducatillon in 2007, and in that time, the realms of discovery have been, and continue to be, quite the voyage.

In addition to the genuine friendships formed with people from around the globe, and our shared adventures, one of the opportunities I cherish most in this grid existence is the relaxation and joy derived from capturing moments and musings that give me pause along the way in this journey ... art I simply refer to as ... REALMS.

I am proud to be displayed here in the Duche de Coeur, the area I choose to call home in SL.

updated by @docteur-panacek: 06 Oct 2016 06:08:02AM
13 years ago
123 posts

Congratulations to all of you for so magnificent project which enriched our lives in our loved Coeur.

Emilie Juliette de Gramont
13 years ago
15 posts
Well done, monsieur Panacek :)