I've posted the official Duch de Coeur - Court Etiquette, Rules & Titles in our group's forum. I have also locked the thread there because I thought it would be more interesting to compare and discuss the differences between courts in this general area. IMHO there is no right or wrong way to run a court, just different strategies that work well for different groups. The Duch de Coeur is fairly light on role play and you will see that we don't emulate historical figures (after all I'm the Duchesse de Provence when there only ever was a Comtesse in rl!) which gives us a certain extra freedom in what we do. It's not that we don't research & appreciate historical accuracy, because we really do. It's just that this format seemed the most sensible given our objectives.We have an emphasis on fun, friendship, romance & community building which is one reason that titles are given out on a "merit" system. This means that anyone can move up the ranks by supporting & participating in the community. It also means that those people that are content to just drop in occassionally for fun are always welcomed. Work or play, it's all good in the Duchy.Speaking of work, the duchy's special positions come with a lot of it as well as responsibility. These positions tend to attract people that already have a passion for the job and so the titles are a bit of a reward in recognition of all that extra effort.Well, that's a little bit about the Duchy's philosophy which I hope will get the ball rolling here. What do you think? What is happening with your court? Have you found a successful formula or are you still working on it? If you've never belonged to a sl royal court, what would you be looking for? Share your thoughts with us.
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:02:16AM