The merit system used for Titles is still in place, with the addition of RPS participation as a means to gain eligibility. See Duch de Coeur - Court Etiquette, Rules & Titles for more on this subject.A greater emphasis is now being placed on Careers . For all those that were secretly wishing for a career as a baker, doctor etc. the RPS opens up new avenues to acquire skills, interact with your fellow players and engage in a RP economy.If you have any comments, suggestions, concerns or questions please feel free to post them here. As always, Bedrich, Skye & I are available for those that would prefer more private communication.See Duch de Coeur - RP Statutes for our role play rules. The actual role play rules are still under development and will be posted soon. Finally, we will be looking for adventurous types that would be willing to become "early adopters" and help us beat the bugs out of our process. I must give you fair warning that Duc Bedrich was temporarily knocked unconsious when he attempted to fly across his property. Fortunately, as he was lying on the main transportation route, no carriages came by and he has since made a steady recovery. I hope that this doesn't discourage you, if you stick to the ground you should be just fine
Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 30 Oct 2016 10:44:43AM