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In need of period creators

10 years ago
34 posts

As you know Ning host many of the most talented period creators, should it concern clothing, furniture or houses. This is why I reach out to all of you who wish to make money or to help other grid to grow.

You are now all used to shop on the SecondLife MarketPlace but there is another one that allow creators to sell their stuff across any other OpenSim Grid and use direct USD currency so you don't need to work your Virtual money into real one and lose some by doing so...

Here is a link to this market : Kitely Market

Here is a information page about how it work : Information Wiki

I will highlight some interesting details here:

  • No upload cost
  • No Land Impact all is calculated in Prim count (1 object of 2 prims = 2 prim, 1 object of 1 prim = 1 prim)
  • By selling from Kitely market you reach every open sim grid that don't have a market
  • A free open sandbox for creators to build on without having to pay a tier or a monthly subscription.

All this and of course the most important, the chance to allow more period sims to open.

Also for those who might need help on the transition or scripting or mesh help I am ready to assist in anyway I can.

Here are the question :

  1. Who is going to make the move and contribute to Kitely Market?
  2. Why not make the move?

updated by @louis-francis-de-beauharnois: 06 Oct 2016 06:36:55AM
Jane Ixtar
10 years ago
115 posts

The way I experienced Kitely was that it is natural to come and go, move between it and SL with two windows open, ok one if you need all resources at once. And I was surprised by the seamless travelling. Kitely offers squillions of prims at hardly any cost, and an alternative to experience the possibilities of more and bigger Sims so it's not a bad thing. I have an extremely heavy and indispensible inventory in SL so will have a base there as long as they keep it going. There is a real need for clothing and furniture etc, so Louis, I hope others begin to come and visit your beautiful SIM. Your idea of no cost or v low cost to participate in the community is brilliant and really blurs boundaries here. Well done. So, I think it is not a case of choosing one place over another, but having loads of things to do, and not breaking the bank, as I do in SL.