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Larl Valley: 18th Century Egyptian Living on a Stunning FULL PRIM Sim

Mansur Marawi
8 years ago
62 posts

Just Opened!!!


Snapshot _ Larl Valley  1700s Egyptian Roleplay Sim  OPENING .jpg

Welcome, traveler, to your new RP home... in the other 18th century, the one you never read about in books. Far removed from the drawing rooms and revolutions of Age of Enlightenment Europe and its colonies, there exists a sun-blasted sea of sand and scrag. Here, the adhan wafts on the air five times a day, calling the faithful to prayer. Packs of Mamluk guards keep order in the streets. Crocodiles bellow on the river banks. The great Nile teams with barges and river boats bustling through to nearby Cairo. On a clear day, a man might peer across the dunes to see the Great Pyramid’s peak.

This sleepy town between Cairo and Giza is designed for community and family para-RP set in a distant past. The focus is highly domestic. Bring your wife, your husband, your servants, your master, your children, your siblings, etc. for a taste of life in the palace, in the city, in the country, or in a nomad’s tent. Explore Saharan life on your own terms. Participate as any number of era-specific roles like harem slave, eunuch, koceck (‘male belly dancer’), mamluk (elite soldier), farmer, fisherman, trader, nomad, and more. Rentals are not necessary, but they are available at a variety of reasonable rates for anyone who wants to hang their hat (or prims) in this uniquely immersive environment. Some rentals are listed at ‘starter’ rates for newbies. Others are listed at discounted rates for those playing lead roles.

Getting Started:
There is no wait time necessary to start RPing at Larl Valley.

1. Join the Larl Valley 18th Century RP group:

2.. Create a profile pick for your new character. It is recommended to start with a name, a place of origin, and a skill set or occupation and build your character from there. Use Larl Valley as your pick location.

3. Outfit your character and equip him or her with any necessary weapons or uniforms. Inappropriately attired avatars break the immersion and may be ejected. The theme is 1700s Egypt. You're in the desert in a heavily Muslim area, so dress appropriately. Most people cover their heads and wear long, billowing robes. No nudity! You'll get a wicked sunburn.

4. (Optional) Take a meter and a collection pouch from the vendor at the landing point. Set the meter with your preferred character stats and information. At present, we are still testing these options. Neither of these items are necessary for gameplay and neither of them cost you a dime!

That's it! You're all set. Jump in and start Rping. No application is required. There is no muss, no fuss, and no wait.


I am still an admin at the Barbary Coast, but I have also opened my own different, but complementary sim. Explorers and Cross-Sim RP welcome!

Owner, the NEW Larl Valley:
Leandro Rinaldo Malaspina
8 years ago
12 posts

Looks like a splendid addition to our world! Congratulations!

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
8 years ago
359 posts

A number of us from Antiquity greatly enjoyed your welcoming dance, and I returned for a good wander which I enjoyed very much (particularly when I was greeted by a couple of denizens - a good omen for a community-oriented future.)

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Mansur Marawi
8 years ago
62 posts

Much appreciated! I look forward to improving and perfecting the continuing positive relations between our two lands!

Owner, the NEW Larl Valley: