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Versailles in SL "around the World"

Prince de Craon
13 years ago
47 posts


I just found a post in a blog and, sourprise! one of the proposals to visit as historical place to learn and do "historical turism" is our Versailles. This means that the project is not only a good thing, is a marvellous live museum!

If you found some posts or references about La Cour de Versailles, please tell me here!!

Kind regards.

updated by @charles-juste-prince-de-beauveau-et-craon: 06 Oct 2016 06:11:00AM
Prince de Craon
13 years ago
47 posts

EDITED: Sorry, not only about Versailles, of course any other member of the Historical comunity.

MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts

Ohh yes, I indeed saw the 'leader' of this group exploring a bit around before she brought the people here, and MariaAntonia Barenhaut gave them a wonderful tour, indeed in period clothing as you see in that picture, hihi. I saw a lot of pictures of Versailles in SL once at a Marie-Antoinette forum, at which they were discussing ehh.. well, Versailles/Marie-Antoinette places in the virtual world. Anyway, you can find lots of pictures of Versailles in SL on flickr too, and there are quite a fun video's of the 'old Versailles' on youtube too. Actually on the internet there is quite a lot stuff abut the 'old Versailles' though I'm sure there's lots too find about the current palace too! It is interesting to see how Versailles in Second Life, but also other wonderful 18th century communities, get people from out and within Second Life interested in our 18th century community through such media! :)

MarieLouise Harcourt
13 years ago
647 posts

With google I did find this very recent post on the duch de Coeur!

Lady Bluebird of Orkney
13 years ago
81 posts

Not long ago (autumn?) Bedrich put out a notecard, with information and landmarks, of the various spots that comprised the tour of the Duchy for Virtual Pioneers. I was (and am relatively) new to the Duchy and slowly worked my way down the list, teleporting to one landmark to visit and then taking a horse or carriage ride home. It was an absolutely lovely way to become more familiar with the Duchy (and enjoy the scenery).

Henri Louis Marie de Rohan
13 years ago
192 posts

Given the increase in wonderful 18th and 19th century sims around Second Life, a time-travelling tour of historical landmarks would be rather fantastic. I am big fan of the work Painter Meriman does - here are a few of his 19th century colonial builds, custom historical work rather than his (equally wonderful) houses:

I found this, which was quite interesting - the RL and SL personas of some of the staff at Arkansas State University (including Painter):

Nice to get out of the 18th century once in a while! Although I always keep my frock-coat on...