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To address the needs so as to attract the different groups necessary to create a Active, Interesting Regency Sim.

13 years ago
103 posts

To address the needs so as to attract the different groups necessary to create a Active, Interesting Regency Sim.

I believe I identified people, groups who would be interested in a Regency sim. Jane Austen fans/ JASNA, Brigade Napoleon members and fans of Bernard Cornwalls Sharps Series as well as Royal Navy in the Age of Admiral Nelson, Patrick OBrians Jack Aubrey/ C.S. Forrester Horatio Hornblower Series of books. And people who are just attracted by the Style of Classical Revival/ Late Georgian/Regency Era.

Now, All of these people have an interest in the same era, and those Interest do overlap in parts, but in others, they are Aligned, but separate.

Sim one, the Anchor, would be Town of Bath.

It would Consist of, a Assembly hall, (for Dances and Gatherings) A Church, a Town Square, the Royal Crescent Apartments (where people may live) Some Shops, Careful selected toad to the Ambiances and supply the needs of the people of the Sim.

Also would like an Omnibus depot, witch would be the arrival and depart location (Pickwick station, from the Pickwick Papers, by Dickens)

Out side of town, rolling hills, for Riding, walking, a Pick nick on Box hill and a few country estates. (this may require 2 sections to achieve)

The idea being to create a sim as Beautiful as de Coeur is, but it also is very laggy. The Goal of Regency will be to Have a Sim/Simms, as Beautiful as de Coeur, but with much less Lag, and English!

This will require careful attention to the efficient use of Prims, Never use 5, when one can get by with one, starting with the lay out of the Land, the reserve of spaces and limited Colors. Use 256 color pallets when ever possible.

Section 2, the English Channel, Perfect for Sea battles. (NOTE, a Section 6, witch would renumber to 3 could be proposed here for Portsmouth. To create a Harbor for England and a place to off set some of the Country from Bath as well to add to the Channel area.)

Section 3, Portugal, Site of British Fortifications, and both Mediterranean Villas and rustic cottages.

Section 4 (Two Sims, SPAIN, main area for battles between the Allied Forces and Imperial France.

Section 5, the Pyrenees/ South of France, Home to the Imperial French Fortifications.

So, that looks like 7 sections of Simms. (8, if we go for Portsmouth.) With the Pyrenees/ South of France and Portugal limited to 65% of space, to both keep lag down and to add to Sailing area on water.

In the Future, we could ad a Louisiana or Nova Scotia (Louisiana being much more contested, with the Sale from France to the United States and the Battle between Great Brittan and the United States There, Makes this a Natural for 1812 Era.)

With Historically Accurate buildings and Interiors, with the development of English Country Dance for SL, with Literary references and Jane Austen Fans, with the interest of historians and Re-enactors, Regency could become a real shinning star among the worlds of Second Life.

Respectfully Submitted , Your loyal Servant.

BrendonPatrick MacRory

updated by @curtis: 21 Oct 2016 09:47:36AM
Tatiana Dokuchic
13 years ago
1,919 posts

The idea being to create a sim as Beautiful as de Coeur is, but it also is very laggy. The Goal of Regency will be to Have a Sim/Simms, as Beautiful as de Coeur, but with much less Lag, and English!

Having a RL career inIT& four years of experience as one of the three owners of the Duch de Coeur, I can tell you that lag happens for many reasons and I personally wouldn't be so quick to judge someone else's efforts.

Frankly I never experience muchlag in the Duchexcept whenwehost big events and I'm running a very under powered computer that is as old as the hills.

Running a successful & stable enterprise such as the Duch takes a wide variety of skills and a lot ofeffort & perserverance.

It will be interesting to see how your project evolves.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
13 years ago
103 posts

Oh, it not so much a criticism of de Coeur, witch is truly a marvel, and beautiful as it is a Goal. A Goal with will require some compromise, witch will mean, less color, few items, a little bit less detail. A balancing act, to try and achieve something witch I do hope is more useful.

I struggle to explore any sum with has leggy performance. But, most are truly the fault of bad design. de Coeur I believe is well designed, but places color and detail as the first priority. Which may not be wrong, I love the results.

Also, Please do accept my apology if I have given any offence of this.

Skye Varriale
13 years ago
96 posts

Thanks for your nice comments on the beauty of the Coeur Duchy. FYI, The Duchy was designed with much thought given to decrease lag. It's low prim compared to most regions with a lot of thought given to the use of low prim items and scripts that do not cause lag. I think you will find that much of the lag comes to any region when you actually have residents who bring in highly scripted items, either worn as clothing, or as resident's items.Unfortunately there is not much you can do about that unless you want to run your regions like a military camp. Also, some lag is caused by the users poor connection speeds or older computers (client-side lag.) Older video cards too cannot keep up with Second life and may cause your avatar to implode and crash. Homesteads too can be laggy because homesteads share a server with three other homesteads and even though your homestead may be trying to control scripting, the other regions sharing the same server may be script hogs thus causing your region to be laggy. Not fair, but that is the way it is. I think you will find this out the hard way should you be successful in your endeavors.

Tatiana Dokuchic
13 years ago
1,919 posts

I don't find this offensive but I do find it inaccurate.

Considering I sweat over every prim/texture/script I place on my land (as do my partners) I certainly can't agree with "places color and detail as the first priority".

Your project sounds exciting & challenging. I wish you all the best with it.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site
13 years ago
123 posts

As a Coeur resident from long time, I can assure you, Monsieur, that I dont remember having any lag problem except in some too crowded party.

In Coeur everything is perfectly measured and calculated, even its balanced lively colorful which brings us so special atmosphere. I think that maybe this is the main reason of its successful, its long life and its unchanged prestige.


Bedrich Panacek
13 years ago
21 posts

Greetings sir,

There are a number of factors why one may encounter lag. As my partners have mentioned, we rarely encounter lag but for different reasons.

Since you took the time to critique the duch, then I presume you have also measured the performance of the duchy to find where the problems are so that you can make an informed decision how to create yours properly. You would of course have used the Statistics Bar to measure the server side lag and of course found that except under substantial load (20+ avatars), none of the 15 regions have any substantial lag under normal conditions.

Unfortunately, the past few months have not been normal. The homesteads have all been failing even when there are 0 prims on the region (we know this because we use a number regions for development and demo and frequently clear those regions. We have seen the server frame rate continue to drop to near 0 despite being empty. This seems to have been corrected somewhat, and the most recent server release is supposed to have fixed a problem where client viewers were seeing prims from 2 regions away even if you had your draw distance set to 64 meters.

So, seeing that there is no server problem under normal conditions, the lag you are referring to must be client side. Here again, you used the tools available to you to measure the lag problem. The problem is not the color depth (> 256 colors), but with the image resolution. We frequently use 1024x512 images when they are used on large areas or repeated frequently. But I'm sure you saw that in your measurements.

Another problem you surely saw was that because the duchy is the largest sim among those in Royal Courts, you are seeing the same problem that you will encounter, i.e. from most regions, you can see 8 others. Unlike the single and double region sims that are fairly common, you are seeing the prims from up to 9 regions, and possibly more, depending on your draw distance. I personally run at around 450m and I usually don't have problems except in the village near the dock.

The duchy has a cluster of 6 full regions that each have over 10,000 prims. Perhaps you forgot that the duchy is a residential sim and over half of the prims belong to residents and merchants?

So, we know that many people have client side issues with the duchy. Skye and I have similar computers and as I mentioned, we rarely encounter lag. Both of our systems are gaming systems with i7 Intel processors and 8+ GB of RAM, but probably the most important thing is the video cards, which are today fairly upper mid-powered graphics cards. Mine is an NVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti. There is definitely a problem with this card where my frame rate drops to near 0 under weird conditions. Skye has a slightly lower powered ATI card and does not see the same problems I do.

btw, did you know the duchy is not French? Why make a point of saying your sim is going to be English, when you are representing Spain, Portugal, and France? The owners of the duchy don't even speak French! We are from North America and from English speaking states and provinces.

We are trying to accurately represent France in the 18th century, so we our carriages run on the left side of the road, our roads are of a material that predates tarmac, our construction materials are obtained locally (e.g. from the Touraine caves).

In conclusion, you may want to reconsider your color depth (number of colors used in your palette). 256 colors is not going to decrease lag. Decreasing resolution will help considerably, but the textures will be repetitive. Keep prims spread out as much as you can. Clusters of prims (e.g. serving trays with 75 prims), kill low end machines. And finally, encourage people to get computers that can handle SL!!!


Duc Bedrich Panacek

Bedrich Panacek
13 years ago
21 posts

...and what's wrong with French anyway? It is one of the world's most beautiful languages and in our day was probably the world's most important language in science and numerous other fields. I dare say that when you say "culture" in 1812 or (1787), you are thinking France, not England.

Would the Americans have won the battle for Independence from Britain without help from France? The War of 1812 was fought against Britain because they were trying to prevent trade between the US and France. Britain's Industrial Revolution will result in the loss of jobs for millions..

Yes, it will be nice for people to see both sides, especially French and English. Our hope in the duchy is to encourage people to think about the Enlightenment and tyranny. But at the same time, we are a peaceful sim and look at the harsh and unacceptable life by today's standards in the 18th century from a romantic viewpoint. There is certainly a place for a sim that looks at the other side, just as the duchy views life from outside of the 0.5% of the population that are the nobles.

Best wishes to you sir for attempting such a grand project!

13 years ago
103 posts

My Dear Friends, I must apologize, I picked a bad example to Illustrate my point, and it leading to people to not see what I was trying to say, but instead having them mad at me for my poor choice of and Example to illustrate the idea.

I want construct suggestions on how to achieve the goals I seat out (and, you are including some, thank you, it is appreciated) But, please understand, there is No critizesem of you or of the example I gave, it was just or point I chose, witch I now see was wrong.



Bedrich Panacek
13 years ago
21 posts

Monsieur Neil, As Monsieur le Comte states, I do not wish to give the impression that we are mad at you.

There have been individuals that have come along and asked people to commit to their projects, only to have them lost when they realized that they were in over their head. I doubt that any of these were malicious, but rather a result of poor planning. As I am sure you know, the regions are quite expensive, and as my darling duchesse stated, you must balance the limitations of each platform (i.e. Full, Homestead, Open) with the cost of maintaining these regions.

You must also consider the goal you are trying to achieve. You mentioned methods of maintaining low lag. You must balance these against the realism you seek. You cannot have the beauty and artistry of Paris 1830, Versailles, or the Duch de Coeur sims, among others, if you limit yourself to 256 colors, low resolution images, no sculpts, no mesh, and few scripts, as you suggest.

Having sims fail is not a good reflection on our community. It is in the best interest of all of us that major projects such as yours succeed. However, this can only be achieved through planning and experience. We know that you will have problems when you put 8 regions adjacent to each other. We know that 256 colors cannot produce any kind of realism. We know that you must allow your residents and merchants to have some freedom in order to generate revenue.

Look more closely at what you want to achieve, and why you believe the other successful sims have not approached things the same way. Be sure to *measure* what is going on, and ask questions. Look at the limitations (e.g. homesteads are limited to 20 avatars, but we have performance issues with ice skating or row boating if more than 10 are racing in the same region at the same time). Remember that the clothing styles in the Regency period are nearly as complex as those in our period and will add significantly to lag. Evaluate your potential revenue vs. your expenses, but be realistic. You will be surprised what it really costs to run a sim.

Be sure that everyone has the same vision. The Duch is VERY fortunate to have 3 owners that have very similar visions, yet very different skill sets. The consistency of the Duch comes from a very close relationship between the 3 of us.

If you are new to managing a region, be very careful with security. Griefers can destroy your sim very easily with default settings. And some seemingly trivial changes can open up your security to allow destruction of land, excessive loading, etc.

Bon chance mon ami! :)

13 years ago
103 posts

Thank you, and, yes, I am probably over my head. (and it is best for one to realize that, so one can start to learn, start to get input for people who know more than themselves)

I also do not know if it will ever appear. But, I have other friends in SL, who when where I am at in SL changed, and there spots not really working for them, or have similar desires, have asked me to work on it.

It was much smaller what I first drew up, 1 sim only or may by only part of one. But people who have built these then walked thru what is currently the road map I presented.

(I actually suspect it will be more like the much small idea. But, I use to in the real world, throwing out big Ideas, seeing if they stick and been able to do fantastic things people said could not be done.

Sincerly, BrendonPatrick