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From Madame de Coucy to Lady Greyhill - WTF?!?!?!

Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
12 years ago
80 posts


Well, it can be very difficult trying to have a professional conversation with potential out-world clients in SL. I mean, how many wouldn't balk at a woman sitting in period costume, with her hair and face powdered to the max?! So, what I've decided to do was reinvent myself so as to maintain two identities without having to go through the process of switching between alts.


Why the change? Over the years I have tried to merge my professional/academic interests and experience in the study of elite culture (monarchies, royal courts, princesses and tiaras & etc.) as well as new media. I have tried to propose projects which, in RL, are either out of this world (coffee plus three hours of sleep makes this lady a mad lady), extremely expensive or both. So, in our ever-so-efficient and tech-saavy world, I am hoping to start an in-world venture which blends my interests. This would include professional consultation for royal courts & courtiers, princes & potentates, but also in bringing to life the historical kings & queens of the past to an increasing and curious audience on the Web. More details will follow, but I'm oping this venture would allow me to have fun and be productive in Second Life. Finally!

After all, one can't spend one's time shopping, drinking and partying like it's 1773. ;)


Catherine B, Lady Greyhill (MariaJosefa Baudin)

P.S.: I will be looking for set and costume designers, actors and extras within the upcoming months. So if you please leave your name below, I will get back to you as soon as possible.

updated by @marie-adelina-de-la-ferriere: 06 Oct 2016 06:17:30AM
Ekaterina Vorontsova-Dashkova
12 years ago
300 posts
Ooooooooh, how interesting!! I look forward to hearing from you more~~~
John Wilmot Earl of Rochester
12 years ago
27 posts

Sounds interesting certainly the bit about set design . O look forward to hearing from you
