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Concerning both Versailles Statements

Tatiana Dokuchic
12 years ago
1,919 posts

Dear Courtiers

As you may be aware two statements have been posted here on Royal Courts pertaining to the current state of Versailles in SL . One by the "founder and creator" and one by the "owner".

I have nowclosed both discussions.

I have not yet decided whether to let them both stand, edit them both down to the original post, or remove them both.For now I will keep them as is.

I do know that I will be removing any further discussions that are initiated on this subject so please do not launch any. I sound like a broken record but "take it to another venue, Royal Courts is not the place to air your disputes".

Take a deep breath, go for a walk,eat some chocolate, do some yoga, laugh with a friend.

Life's too short to spend in all this negative melodrama and there are a lot of good & positive things out there that you can devote your energy to.


ETA: I've now deleted both statements.

One of the reasons I left them up as long as I did was because the first statement had already been out for hours before I saw it (I was sleeping when this all went on otherwise I would have stepped in sooner) and I felt thatin fairness the other party needed some time to also have their side of the story published.

That should be the end of it on Royal Courts, or will be shortly.

Unfortunately,despite my reminder of our site Guidelines and general philosophy there are still people attempting to continue with the drama. These individuals will be suspended (for a given length of time depending on their actions) or banned outright.

We now return to our regularly scheduling programming.

Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 06 Oct 2016 06:22:00AM