Living History
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'Living History' ... invites your participation

Candace Ducatillon
11 years ago
204 posts


La Rocca Sorrentina's Showcase Galleryopens the curtainson its latest exhibition:

'Living History' by Nazeem

"A special thank you to Rocca Sorrentina, for allowing me this opportunity.

Second Life is a wonderful place, where our very dreams can come true. For us, in the historical community, that dream is to recreate the past, and live a history thats long gone. Whether it be a Queen of a court, or a mere mild maid, the historical community has attracted and captivated many people for years.

We often try to emulate real life, and create it here. For example, clothing worn in the 2008 Movie, The Duchess, can be found in all varieties. Real life palaces and concept plans based on historical novels and shows can all be found here. But how far have we come in creating that world here? And how do our real life and historical counterparts fit in. Did we succeed in creating a past reality? Or a fantasy? Would historical and real figures find a sense of familiarity if they walk along our prims?

Hope You Enjoy."
La Rocca Sorrentina is delighted to feature this installation which invites us to pause, then enter each and every piece to ponder the questions set forth.

We would be delighted if you would consider sharing your thoughts with us in a notecard which may be deposited in the "Drag your notecard here" box on the table between the curtained entrances. Submissions will be considered for future Salon Discussions or such on our Events Calendar.

The Management Team of La Rocca Sorrentina

updated by @candace-ducatillon: 23 Oct 2016 12:18:19AM
11 years ago
30 posts

I have seen the exhibition....and I enjoyed it!

Marie-Adélina de La Ferrière
11 years ago
80 posts

I will definitely have to see this!!!

Candace Ducatillon
11 years ago
204 posts

I will let Nazeem know that we would be happy to take down a wall or two and give him more space !

Candace Ducatillon
11 years ago
204 posts

Thank you to the manywho have visited Nazeem's exhibition. It will be available for viewing until Friday, April 11th, giving you yet some time to explore it ... and ponder !