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late 18th century English RP

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Greetings all, I am relatively new to the Royal Courts, having only recently taken up residence on Rocca Sorrentina. My character for rp is the 18th century English author, Fanny Burney. Burney served at court during the reign of George III. Looking through the royal courts groups here, I do not see that one listed. Am I missing it or is it not represented?

updated by @stephanie-mesler: 06 Oct 2016 06:30:17AM
Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

Dearest Fanny,

If there is no court, you must start one. The gowns! The hats! Lorsagne is in need of refreshing her wardrobe and learning to speak the King's English, after all.

Lorsagne de Sade
11 years ago
313 posts

What about the following group here in Royal Courts?

Kingdom of Great Britain, Georgian England Royal Court

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Thanks! For some reason, I did not find that group when I scanned groups earlier this morning. I am now following the group and will seek them out inworld when my virtual worlds break is over.

Contessa Elena Marina Foscari
11 years ago
49 posts

There have been Georgian court groups in th past, and the groups may still exist, but there is no active Georgian court roleplay to my knowledge.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

That is my impression after doing a search inworld. May have to do something about that very soon. Interested?

Jacon Cortes
11 years ago
252 posts

Good Evening, I am currently in the process of working to finish buckingham palace. It will be located in the forest area of Antiquity. Once it is completed, we will start up the court and open the palace for rp use. It will be set in the time of early King George IV. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB
Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

LOL! I am actually wandering the sims of Antiquity as we speak! I am really looking for the court of George III because Frances Burney, the rl author I portray in rp, served in that court.

Jacon Cortes
11 years ago
252 posts

oh sorry so slow to notice. When ever you are in Antiquity, please, feel free to let me know. I would be more then happy to show you around.

His Royal Highness Jacon Cortes de Bexar Prince of Antiquity, Duke of Cumberland, Duque de Bexar, Duc de la Valliere, Marchese di MSB
Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

I will do so when next I am traveling. That is likely to be quite soon. Thank you, sir.

Tiamat Windstorm von Hirvi
11 years ago
359 posts

We used to focus on the period of George III in Antiquity, although more towards the Napoleonic end of his reign rather than on the early-to-middle period (and I must admit that being something of a student of the wars associated with the Directoire and the Empire, the years between 1790 and 1816 tend to be my own favourites, and the ones that drew me into Anty in the first instance!) We are not religious about our era, though, and wide swathes of Antiquity hover between 1760 and 1790 - though we also swing into the lower ends of Victoria's era at odd moments (especially though not only during ironclad sea battles.)

Antiquity Hedgewitch
Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Jacon Cortes (the prince?) was kind enough to show me some of antiquity yesterday including Buckingham Palace under construction. I was very much impressed with what I saw there. It seems to me that for rp purposes some mixing of eras is likely to happen, though I am loathe to represent my own character out of context. I will be watching with interest as the palace is completed and the court of George IV assembled. My own RP character (the real life author, Frances Burney) was still alive and writing during the reigns of George IV and William IV. It is possible that she might be about.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

I have begun the search for a homestead to purchase for this rp. So if you know of a homestead for sale at a reasonable price (To my mind, anything higher than the cost of tier and the fee for moving and renaming is too high.), please let me know. This land can be currently located anywhere, named anything, terraformed any old way because all of that can and will be changed. Contact me through this group or IM Freda Frostbite inworld.


Merry Chase
11 years ago
154 posts

Buckingham Palace in Antiquity will be Regency Era, Jacon says, so I hope we will see the older Fanny there, as well as in Regency Somerset.

Stephanie Mesler
11 years ago
93 posts

Very likely. Gives me a chance to learn more about Burney after she became Mdm. D'Arblay. I do not think that period of Fanny's life will be covered in my writing project, but it's always good to know more about a subject than what you actually plan to write. Besides, this will be fun! Old ladies can get away with a lot more!