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Site News: Construction & Clean Up 2019

Tatiana Dokuchic
6 years ago
1,919 posts

TatianaDokuchic-LHVW Spring Cleaning 01.jpg

LHVW was long past due not only critical maintenance but a good cleaning & refresh.  I thought I would keep a bit of a journal here so that you know what's been done.  If anything goes wonky or your data suddenly disappears don't hesitate to yell so that I can fix it.

Software Upgrades: All site modules, including the Core module (the big mama of the system) are now up to date. You should see improved performance & functionality in many different areas.

Security Upgrade: We have a security certificate and we've switch over from http to https.  All http links should be automatically redirected.  We really don't have any secure data on this site (nor do we ever intend to) but it's nice that the browsers aren't flagging us as NOT SECURE any more.

New Banner: Abbondio has graciously given us permission to use his image Barks and Paddles as our new header.  I think it looks fabulous!  You'll have to clear your browser cache (images or files/data) for it to appear.

Modified Main Page: I've tweaked the formatting to freshen things up a bit.  I've also fixed some broken Forum links so that they're now actually pointing to the LHVW Forum again.

Increased Supporter Quota: I've increased the media quota for all site supporters as some members were hitting the maximum despite doing their do diligence and cleaning up old content.  If you were being blocked by the media quota you should be ok now.  If not contact me.

New Flavicon: I've been letting our flavicon default to Jamroom's (our server host) but I finally bit the bullet and created a custom one.  It's REALLY hard to make an image that looks good at every size from 250px x 250px down to 16px x 16px which is why I put this task off for so long.

User, Profile, Group Cleanup: A constant task but I'll be putting more emphasis on this in the weeks to come. If you have groups that you aren't using, please delete them.

Fingers crossed that all will go well.  So far so good!


Proprietress of Tatiana's Tea Room ~ Owner of the Provence Coeur Estate ~ Webmistress of this site

updated by @tatiana-dokuchic: 03 Apr 2019 02:44:17PM