Royal courts "Fencer of The Year" Rankings
I remind you that we will keep track of the results of Tournaments organized in the Royal Courts with the support of our Fencing Group: Points will be awarded to contestants, and by the end of the season, the Title of Royal Courts Fencer of the Year will be granted to the fencer who scored more points, with a bonus prize of 3000L$.
Points will be granted in each tournament this way:
-1 point for a defeat (Thank you for comingJ)
- 2 points for a victory
- 3 points for the finalist
- 5 points for the winner
After the Orange Nassau and Coeur Tournaments, the rankings are:
1/ Myron Verne, 16 points (just here for honour and entertainment, I am outside the prize competition)
2/ Hera Poliatevska(Sophie Dalville), 10 points
3/ Joesf Fitzpatrick, 9 points
4/ Maria Louisa Muircastle, 7 points
5/ Paco Gothly, 6 points
6/ Elisabeth Milneaux, Susanah Tigerpaw, Myron Byron, 3 points
7/ Tatiana Dokuchic Varriale, Pekel Panacek, 2 points
8/ Selina Vayandar, Marie-Therese ( Glendevon), Bedrich Panacek, Trasgo Beaumont, Roy100 Allen, 1 point.
Conclusion: the way the points are granted, there is a little premium to those who attend many tournaments, BUT not a big premium between a loser in the first round and the winner of the day, so the ranking can change really fast!...added to the fact that luck often makes the difference, you, as well as new fencers, are invited to join the next competiton, which will be held in Melioria soon! Check your calendar of events!
Please, remember and meditate the very true sentence uttered by Joesf Fitzpatrick after a defeat: No matter how good you are, this En Garde! game has its way to keep you humble!
He meant any champion of this game may be sometimes beaten by anyone simply mastering the basic rules, since luck might make the differenceso forget your fears or inhibitions if any, try your luck, enjoyand win!
Don't worry Marie-Thrse, the only reason I have one more point than you is because I managed to lose at one additional tournament
Bravo,Miladies! you really deserve to win the competition of 'Sense of Humour of the year'!As to the fencing ranking, it will change after a few more tournaments, and I am sure that fencers who will attend more of them will rocket up to the top!