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Happy Valentines Day from Trefusis Designs

Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts

Happy Valentines Day!

To celebrate this day I suggest you show your love to your loved ones. It could be a kind word,a hug or a huge box of chocolates ^^

Hopefully most of you already show your feelings other days than this one though :P

I celebrate by putting out a Valentines gift at my new shop

((Not much there at the moment but just you wait))

With Love -Sophia Trefusis

updated by @sophia-trefusis: 06 Oct 2016 01:58:51PM
Capacitatodd Principe diMelioria
13 years ago
15 posts
OO please be my Valentine?
Sophia Trefusis
13 years ago
471 posts
Awfully late...but awww youre so sweet Cap ^_^