Céneri's Slumbers
A glass of Cognac, and a supervised dinner with his Fiance, the Marquis retires, with his head swirl with affairs of court. He finds his Fiance delightful, but her actions at the Italian ball, has made her the subject of gossip, certainly the Duchesse made her sentiments known that she was not pleased. But the Duchesse herself, who openly scorns others, takes up company with the Comtesse du Barry, how could a woman so bound to rules, religious and duty, be seen with such a woman. My young Fiance recounts that the Comtesse has shown her kindness during a lesson with the Duchesse, what am I to make of this, would I dishonor my Mistress, Madame Victoire, to be within the Company as well?
Beautiful composition, Monsieur le Marquis.
PD.- Best wishes to you and your young fiance