Unusual sightings over the shared...
Perhaps most astonishing of all, after the dragon touched down on the great lawn in Rocca and the demon dismounted, they encountered an equestrienne in the most outlandish attire. If you do not believe these words and my sketches, please ask Don Lucerius Zeffirelli who can corroborate my tail. Er, tale.
I will indeed attest to your...erm... tail, from the safety of the bushes For nothing short of a crucifix can defend against such infernal(yet strangely gallant looking) creatures. One can only wonder what fate became of the poor rider...
And all this practically in my backyard !?!
Indeed, Captain Zeffirelli; what fate befell the poor rider or, for that matter, the horse?
Oh Donna Candace, if this were my back yard I would invest in an asbestos fence!
Hmmm ... /me recalls the unhatched egg Jean-Matisse discoveredand coddled some months ago, and wonders . . . . .